View Full Version : HELP MB ECU B200 CDI

23rd May, 2011, 09:08 PM
HI all
I need some help
I have a car MB 200 B-class CDI
year 2007
It has problem with ECU and the costumer find new ECU from another car but it is same with his car
Can anyone tell me how can i make this ecu virgin or can i swap eeprom's from old to new one
and wich eeprom


p.s I don't know what type of ecu it is becouse one of my friend ask me for it and he didn't explain me very well
He said that it is with 2plugs and it is BOSCH ecu and it is writing HW 14.05 SW. 04.06
I need 100% information becouse if i open new ecu i couldn't turn it back to the seller

25th May, 2011, 05:30 PM
read old FLASH with BDM and write in used ecu and try.