View Full Version : FORD FOCUS 2002. HELP

2nd June, 2011, 06:25 AM
hi, guys, i have ford focus 2002, someone istalled two front airbag, and driver seat belt, they were deployed, so i reset the ecu, before was a code , crash detected, after i clean the dump, i have a code, B1881, RH SEAT BUCKLE OPEN, SO before chaged, i teste with a resistor to make sure the system will works, so, i installed and code change to B1880, RH SEAT BEALT BUCKLE FAULT, do you think is not possible use resistor ,im using it a 2.8 ohms to make sure is not the ecu,;), ok this car has only buckle pretenssioner, no seat bealt prettensioner in the RH SIDE, any ide will be appreciate, thanks:idea:

2nd June, 2011, 08:39 AM
You need to put resistor + capacitor to simulate pretensioner... Use search - this topic can be found on forum...

3rd June, 2011, 04:29 AM
This year Focus has active left side belt, and active pass side buckle...Change buckle.....

3rd June, 2011, 04:51 AM
buckle replaced, works fine:top: