View Full Version : Bmw EWS+DME DUMP

3rd June, 2011, 06:40 PM
i need help with dumps to ews3 0d46j and DME BMW E38 97r automatic gearbox.
I have corrupt ews and i need complet from one car.
Keys is not problem.

5th June, 2011, 10:19 AM
You can use used ews and make synchronisation with dme.

5th June, 2011, 10:29 PM
I do not think syncronisation will work just like that
0D46J is EWS 3.3 up and unless you have the information from the old ews which you will input into the used ews it will not work. You need the Password between the DME-EWS.
If you have an ews editor you can get the information from your old ews if its still readable.
If not read the immo off the 29f400 from your Dme and use bmw id extractor (already posted somewhere in this forum)