View Full Version : BMW E36 318 TDS INMO PROBLEM

6th June, 2011, 11:14 PM
Hello I have a faulty ecu from a BMW 318 tds e36 ecu is a bosch 0 281 001 711

I have a used one........reference is exactly the same, I have opened and it has 2 smd 93c46.

Where is inmo related info??
Which one may I swap to make a clone of the old ecu????
Inmokiller says 93c46 but I have not clear wich one ....
It is really possible to make in*o off ??? will be a fast solution if it is not possible to clone my ecu.....

Really thanks to everybody......any help will be appreciated......I really hate to come back home walking..!!!!!:laugh:

7th June, 2011, 07:17 AM
Hello I have a faulty ecu from a BMW 318 tds e36 ecu is a bosch 0 281 001 711

I have a used one........reference is exactly the same, I have opened and it has 2 smd 93c46.

Where is inmo related info??
Which one may I swap to make a clone of the old ecu????
Inmokiller says 93c46 but I have not clear wich one ....
It is really possible to make in*o off ??? will be a fast solution if it is not possible to clone my ecu.....

Really thanks to everybody......any help will be appreciated......I really hate to come back home walking..!!!!!:laugh:
Modify eeprom near yelow capacitor.

22nd June, 2011, 12:47 PM
Hello I have opened it and found a 93c46 inside and near yellow capacitors..........

I have tried to swap eeprom (before making a copy) from the old one to the new one unit...not worked because seems that info on old ecu it is corrupted so I need to make in*o off..........

I have been trying inmokiller and so on and seems all have same file.........I must write all the eeprom with this bin.

Problem is..What I do with the EWS .....because i must disconnect it, if not ecu will block again..........if I disconnect EWS BOX(INMOBOX)..........iS there any trick to make the car start with the key....

As you Know BMW dont cranck if not recognise the key.............I supose it is a simple bridge in the connector of the EWS with it removed.

Anyone has tried the eeprom proposed by inmokiller for this car???????
Anyone has a different inmo off file for this car???????

Lot of questions I think. :laugh:

22nd June, 2011, 08:26 PM
Use this file,pass in pm.

23rd June, 2011, 11:00 PM
Thanks but no luck.

It is the same file that gives inmokiller and other ones.....

Must be something wrong..I am sure it is an in*o problem........so I supose I am doing something wrong so I say.....:

----Must be eeprom be changed with a new one????

---- 93c46??? 93c46a??? b???? c????? perhaps I am beeing really stupid, but original one it is 93c46...and only can be programmed in 16 bits mode.....in others it gives error in programming.

----Must be activated WP function????

----May I cut any cable???? I only disconnect the EWS module, and cranck car bridging th
e starter relay.

----93c46 can be programmed 8 bit and 16 bits....

This is what the bin file contents:

00 00 00 00 6E 6E 1E 1E FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 14 14 00 00 65 65 C4 C4 68 68 00 00 01 01 03 03 71 71 3A 3A 00 00 00 00 00 00 33 33 01 01 01 01 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 6C 6C 5C 5C 64 64 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 22 22

Obvius if I programm a in "16 bit mode" it is the "double" and the file is not the same.

- I really dont Know what I am doing wrong....but it is very strange and remember IT IS AN INMO PROBLEM SURE.

Really thanks in advice to all DK FORUM.

24th June, 2011, 06:45 AM
This file must work,same pass.