View Full Version : Fry Up Cake

26th June, 2011, 01:32 PM
get like 4 eggs and crack them into a bowl add salt and pepper and grated cheese.. stick as much as you want in
whisk it.
part cook your fry up stuff
pour some egg into a baking thing.. (i use a bendy plastic one, cant remember the name, but its brill)
SILICONE!! thats it.. i use a silicone one.
pour some whisked egg mixture in it, enough to cover the bottom.
plonk all your fry up stuff in the potpour rest of egg mix over it all.bake it in the oven until the eggs cooked, i like to do it low shelf, 150 for about 20mins

26th June, 2011, 05:58 PM
Are you gordon ramsey by any chance cos thats ~~~~in amazing .
ps..didnt know you were allowed near any hot objects.

26th June, 2011, 06:01 PM
especially nice with a nice cup of tea... WHICH i can now make thanks to a certain cullinary marvel who shall remain nameless ;)

ps (it was you)

26th June, 2011, 06:08 PM
I reckon all the sv users should try it out cos then they can have there cake and eat it........;)

1st July, 2011, 04:36 PM
Your talents are wasted on here shady... wasted!