View Full Version : sharing solutions

3rd August, 2011, 07:16 PM
Hi All
I am wondering is it right or wrong to share solutions obtained from DK with other members of DK. Why I am asking is sometimes there are requests for dumps that will solve the thread starters problems but the original poster(solution supplier ) does not respond to the request .Running my own bussiness I know time is important and frankly I hate seeing people beg .Please advise ,like to help others .Regards
PS I am not talking of sharing pass words !

v8 dave
3rd August, 2011, 08:29 PM
Surely solutions are usually passworded, and therefore by proxy, sharing solutions means sharing passwords?

Personally, passworded files irritate me; if you're going to give it to one, why not give to all? I can understand *why* people do it, because there are those members that only sit here to beg solutions to then make money from selling and never give back.

For what it's worth, I rarely password my files; I gained a good chunk of my knowledge here at DK learning from threads and playing with scrap yard parts, so I think it only fair to give back what I learn. I'll be honest though, I do go through peoples post histories to see if they're nothing but a leech before I help. Admittedly I can't always help a huge amount, but I do what I can :)

4th August, 2011, 06:21 AM
Thank you nicely said

4th August, 2011, 06:37 AM
Thank you nicely said

Nicely worded mate, could have included a few swear words though!!:argh:

4th August, 2011, 08:22 AM
If the solution isn't yours then you should ask the owners permission first just like if I was given software from a source, I would always ask them if it was ok to share with someone else, there are many reason's why members won't share certain things:

Low post count
Constant Requesters of files and no giving back
Known sellers of the solutions
Close competitor in there area
They know the person from other forums and just don't like them
They gave to you in good faith

Now the last one is possibly the most important, but if I gave you a scenario:

You give me a solution in good faith, I then see another member needing same thing and you havn't provided the solution so I do, now I later find out that the person I gave to is only a few miles from you (hence why you didn't give the solution), and is a known seller on other forums and websites, now I need another solution which you have...... wil you give it to me? Or by what I thought was being helpful has just lost me a very good contact?

v8 dave
4th August, 2011, 09:58 AM
That's exactly my sentiment Drakov. Although, when people mean the word solution, it's not often in the nicely packaged 'spoon-feed-the-n00b' format. I figured a lot of things out by hex comparing the before and after files (hence why passworded files are irritating, but in some eyes necessary), and call that a solution; especially if I can confirm it with various set of dumps.

It's an unfortunate by-product of mans greedy nature; if you can get something for nothing, and there's a market for it, you will of course see people grabbing all they can and cashing in. It was the same on the UK cable scene as a comparison.

I only use DK, even though I'm registered at several fora. I prefer to keep the knowledge in one place as it were.

I vote we round up all the known traders and chop their immo boxes off :D

This bit just for ninja123 --> F#*!*** B****@**** Julia Somerville a%^* fanbelt episcopalian *&?!*** rubber jack hammer **U$*** and that's what she said!