View Full Version : ford fiesta key problem

5th August, 2011, 03:53 PM
hi, members please ave ford fiesta 14i .petrol model 2002 it lost all keys. the pats pcm can 3. out code 0126230949 please l need in code and which type of key l can use on this car it need to key by use t300.thanks

5th August, 2011, 07:26 PM
hi, members please ave ford fiesta 14i .petrol model 2002 it lost all keys. the pats pcm can 3. out code 0126230949 please l need in code and which type of key l can use on this car it need to key by use t300.thanks
ecu part no. or chip inside it

7th August, 2011, 10:12 AM
hey ecu type simens no s120977020E sim 210,ford fiesta 1.4i.eeprom93c86 with this file .but itry to use tmpro2 code key with tpx 2 blank cat it never start or crank it .l conect t300 it foult show wrong key code in.please any one can tell which type ok key can use on this car?. tmpro not solution file show ready it cant start .foult show wrong key coded .thanks members

7th August, 2011, 02:05 PM
attatch the dump it will be either 4c or 4d63 if it is 4c it will have either a tms370 chip inside ecu or seperate pats box in car with tms

7th August, 2011, 02:46 PM
attatch the dump it will be either 4c or 4d63 if it is 4c it will have either a tms370 chip inside ecu or seperate pats box in car with tms
hi it have chip 93c86 on ecu simens it pats 3 can it no immobilizer box .check ori file from ecu here.thanks

8th August, 2011, 08:37 AM
Transponder type ID63

03 00 D9 C8 42 01 A9 B8 99 01 00