View Full Version : Problem with galletto and immo of to fiat

8th September, 2011, 05:31 PM
Hi all,i tri to put immo off to fiat punto 2002 i reed the file but when i try to write the file with galletto give error Writing InitilizationFILE WRONG
i put the port bytes to 38400 but the same error
i try to write the original file but the same error
this its an fiat punto 2002 1,2 8v petrol with MM inside

Marca: IAW 59F
Num. HW: IAW59FHW303
Num. SW: S1808
Can sombode help me?Or i cant write this type of magneti marely via ob
Thank you in advance
here its the file reeded

8th September, 2011, 09:20 PM
This ECU you need to read and write on bench with boot pin.

8th September, 2011, 09:29 PM
Right now thath i do but dont letme to write,the same error,any ideas??

8th September, 2011, 10:20 PM
you have option in galletto software "CLONA E DECODE IAW 4AF/59F ST10F186 Boot Mode, see PDF in documents" but I dont find this pdf

also, you can try to search on internet this software that works with KWP2000 Marelli 59F Total Decode (http://www.gestioneassistenza.com/prodotti/marelli-59f-total-decode.html)

read this topic http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f152/decode-marelli-59f-69294/

and this


8th September, 2011, 10:25 PM
i know abouth kwpbut i dont have it,just galletto clone but still dosen worck,i can to reed but i cant to write,its sucks...

8th September, 2011, 10:39 PM
the new error its Writing Initilizationchanging speed error
maybe my cabel its ko,i dont know???

9th September, 2011, 08:09 AM
the new error its Writing Initilizationchanging speed error
maybe my cabel its ko,i dont know???

check your wiring to the ecu plug!
and make sure your adding in the boot pin too..............

9th September, 2011, 08:15 AM
i make all chek as posible but still no worck,i try to find anoather cable to try with ....i will see

13th September, 2011, 05:32 PM
i have the same problem ,you have made a bad connection when it was in the bench .
know it not write and you read a small part.
you must sure the voltage supply never to be more 12v

the only solution is to to use stflasher with kkl .
you must also have the boot pin connected all the time you work
i have read some hex files in banks from a working ecu.
if the booting pin has not been burn it may work

17th September, 2011, 05:45 PM
Thank you,but i still belive coz my galletto dosen worck good,next week i will have anoather galletto and i will try,When i make the fiat,first i put the 12 v and nothing when i put 12,4 one time mi cabel reedet the eeprom but when i want to write the file give eror,i will try one more time with your advice and i will post the results but first i wait the anoather galletto cabel.
Thank you mi friend for help

10th February, 2012, 10:01 AM
Galletto program tried to read and not give out if needed, however, KWP2000? please help