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View Full Version : Solution to the Caesar Test

14th September, 2011, 06:54 PM
From the version 1.2011 to 07.2011, some users have not the button test caesar in star utilities.

In the version 1.2011 it was possible to arrange installing the star utilities classic or throwing the tkadministration and executing the test from them.

Nevertheless in 07.2011, with both we meet the same problem, though the communication really works, the test rarely does it (really it does it if we disconnect the supply of the mux and happens of availably to without sign), the solution that I have found, at least in my case, it solves the problem of root, allowing to use the test from star utilities since it should be.

The problem of which caesar does not appear the button of the test in star utilities owes to the file starutils.ini located in C:\WINDOWS\zak\Starutils.

Inside the above mentioned file there are specified the locations of the different available tests and during the installation, the test caesar appears to " program files " when in my (Spanish) case it should be " Archivos de Programa", modifying the route, caesar enables the button of the test and in addition the test works 100 % of the times.

This one is the original line:

TOOLKITdiag=C:\Program Files\SDconnect Toolkit\bin
PARAMtoolkit1 =/dself

To change Program Files into the route corresponding to your language.

Proved in 1.2011 and 7.2011 down vmware.

UPDATE 20/09/2011

Well, we continue advancing:
With the new versions 05.2011 and 07.2011, in vmware, the test caesar was failing almost always with which in case of problems of communication we were not having this tool to solve the problem.
To connect the mux both to the car and to the computer BEFORE throwing the virtual environment, of this form, the test caesar works 100 % of the times (good 99 % someone can fail like it it was doing before ...)