View Full Version : willem gq4x true usb programming issue

30th September, 2011, 10:45 PM
hi i am trying to write an immo off file into a 29f200bb using a 44 pin adaptor whitch i have checked voltage etc , i can read the file no prob but it wont write . It will not verify either it always gives the same message ; verify failed adress=0x000000 device=0x05v buffer=0xc0 .this is only the second eeprom i have progammed so i thank you in advance for your patience and your help

30th September, 2011, 10:52 PM
clean the legs of 29f and wiggle the adapter in the zif a bit before you start
i use this fo a lot of these 29f200/400 and its 100%

give adapter a spray with IPA before you put the chip in let it dry might be some lacquer on a pin too

1st October, 2011, 11:54 AM
thanks for your reply,do you use a willem programmer im wondering about the compatibility even though it says it does the eeprom

1st October, 2011, 12:12 PM
GQ4X will do this flash prom 100% i do them frequently with it

just make sure the legs are clean and the jumper is set to the right voltage and it will do it no problem

1st October, 2011, 12:46 PM
Some times, used flashrom 29f200/29f400 can not rewrite full dump.

To fix this issue, write step by step.
1st step address: 0000-01FF
2nd step address: 0200-02FF

Un-thick ID detect & verify option.
After full dump wrote, you can verify buffer
with flashrom.

3rd October, 2011, 01:09 AM
thank you both for your replies i cleaned the legs as you said and was able to rewrite . i had to erase the original file first is that normal ? as i said before i am new to this . thanks

3rd October, 2011, 01:41 AM
Yes, it is necessary to erase the chip befor you can rewite it. After having erased the chip it's highly to recommend that you verify that chip is clean. You can do this with "blank check".

3rd October, 2011, 01:55 AM
scoot there are a few good videos on youtube by mcumall i think on programming with GQ

its a superb tool for the money IMHO
i think if you are removing all the eproms you wish to read/write you should have no prolems with it
i did however swap the zif on mine to a gold plated one it does help

3rd October, 2011, 04:54 AM
this programmer has a supports forum , and may you will get all your answer

3rd October, 2011, 10:29 PM
thanks again for the instructions you are very generous with your experience and your time i will explore youtube