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28th October, 2011, 03:44 PM
Valabil pentru toate Toyota care au immobox separat Tokay Rika.
In cazul pierderii cheilor la Toyota dealerul spune ca trebuie inlocuit calculatorul,si apoi programate alte chei,pt ca sunt deja memorate 3 chei.

Solutia pentru chei pierdute este mai jos:

Immoboxul il gasiti in general in spate la torpedou sau prin zona(o cutie mica neagra)
In interior are un 93lc66.
Cititi binul in 8 biti si salvatil.
Programati epromul cu binul atasat mai jos.
Pregatiti 3 transpondere 4C cu 3 lame facute dupa contact.
Dupa ce se monteaza inapoi immoboxul ledul Security v-a sta aprins continuu.
1.Se introduce prima cheie,fara a se roti si se numara pana la 10.
2.se introduce a doua cheie si se numara pana la 10 fara a se roti.
3.se introduce a treia cheie si se numara pana la 10,in acest moment security led se stinge automat.

Nu incercati sa ~~~~iti ca nu ~~~~este,cheile sunt programate ,immo le vede dar immo nu e imperecheat cu ecm.
Scoateti epromu iar din immobox ,si observati cu un hexeditor cu in locul cu FF FF FF s-a adaugat datele cheilor de cate 8 ori fiecare.

ultimele 3 randuri ale hexului este imperecherea cu ecm-ul.
copiati ultimele 3 randuri de la hexul original in hexul nou si montati epromu inapoi in immobox.
De fapt se copiaza sincronizarea,sa nu se mai faca cu testerul imperecherea :-)

Masina trebuie sa ~~~~easca imediat :-)

Aici adaug 1 dump pt toate toyota cu immobox tokay rika.

In aria downloads,am adaugat pentru membrii reali 50 de dumpuri vigine de toyota cu immo tokay,cu immo in ecm etc

Enjoy,si nu uitati de thanks!


29th October, 2011, 10:05 AM
it is from another website

no one for help!!???

29th October, 2011, 10:20 AM
from google translate

Valid for all Toyota that separate immobox Tokay Rika.
In case of lost keys to the Toyota dealer says you have replaced the computer, and then schedule other keys that are already stored for 3 keys.

Solution for lost keys below:

Immoboxul generally find it behind the glove compartment or area (a small black box)
Inside is a 93lc66.
Read 8-bit and salvatil binul.
Programmed eprom with binul attached below.
Preparation 3 3-4C transponders blades made ***8203;***8203;after contact.
After back immoboxul mounted LED will stay lit continuously Security.
1.Se enter the first key without wheels and count to 10.
2.se introduce the second key and count to 10 without wheels.
3.se enter the third key and count to 10, this time led security automatically turns off.

Do not try to turn that does not start, keys are programmed, but sees Green Green is not paired with ECM.
Remove epromu and the immobox, and observe with a hexeditor with FF FF FF instead of keys to add data as 8 times each.

last three rows of hexului is mating with the ECM.
copy last 3 rows from the original hexul hexul back again and mounted epromu immobox.
In fact the copy synchronization, you no longer do with mating tester :-)

Car must start immediately :-)

Here I add a dump for all toyota with Tokay immobox Rika.

The downloads area, we added 50 dumpuri real members of Toyota with Green vigine Tokay, with Green in ECM, etc.

Enjoy, and do not forget to thanks!

29th October, 2011, 10:43 AM
'' Valid for all Toyota that have a separate immobox like Toyota Rika.
In case of lost keys to the Toyota dealer says you have to replace the computer, and then program to match other keys because there are already stored 3 keys.

Solution for lost keys below:

Immo box is generally found behind the glove compartment or around that area (a small black box)
Inside is a 93lc66.
Read it as 8-bit and save file.
Program the eeprom with file attached below.
Prepare three 3-4C transponders with matching key blades made from ignition barrel ***8203;***8203.
After remounting immo box Security LED will stay lit continuously.
1.Introduce first key in ignition but do not turn key and count to 10.
2.Same with the second key and count to 10 without turning key in ignition.
3.Same with third key and count to 10, this time led security automatically turns off.

Do not try to start car at this point, keys are programmed, immo can see the keys but it is not paired with ECM.
Remove again eeprom from immobox, and observe with a hexeditor that in the place of FF FF FF there is keys data stored as 8 times each.

In original dump last three rows of hex data is the data mating with the ECM.
copy last 3 rows from the original hex that you have saved into the modified dump you just read from immobox.
What you are actually doing is copy synchronization data, so you no longer need do it with tester :-)
Put everything back.

Car must start immediately :-)

Here I added dump for all Toyota with immobox Tokay Rika.

In downloads area, we added 50 virgin dumps for real members with immo Tokay, immo in ECM, etc.
Enjoy, and do not forget to thank!''

Hope that helps. ;)

2nd October, 2012, 08:03 AM
Does anyone know if this works for early Toyota immo? 1997 Previa with 24C04. I cannot download the virgin file, is it all just FF FF FF throughout the entire dump, then register keys as said?