View Full Version : 12v

29th November, 2011, 10:36 PM
I found a use for the 12v output on my s10.
It runs kind of hot so I popped the lid and disconnected the 12v wire that runs to the back connector.I stripped a small 12v fan out of an old polaroid dvd recorder that had the same 12v power connector and I put the fan inside the s10 on top of the processor heatsink.That should help to keep the inside cool.
Actually it's the power supply that runs hot,but the fan helps move the air around inside.

30th November, 2011, 08:04 AM
shove a picture on, lets have a look..

30th November, 2011, 09:20 AM
Initially I removed the cardreader,since I don't use it anyway.
That helped it breath.
Cover temp right over the power supply is 30 C,a lot cooler than it was.Receiver has been turned on since post #1
I'll take a pic later.

30th November, 2011, 09:23 PM
The 1st fan was 12v 160ma,which ran fine even tho the back sticker says 50ma.It was too noisy for bedroom use,since the fan is on all the time even when the receiver is in standby.I found an old pc 486 fan with plastic clips that attached to a pc heatsink,I tried that as experiment #2.I found a short power cable from an old flatbed scanner power supply that would mate to the s10 and soldered the fan leads to a 2pin header I cut from a salvaged 10pin ide header.This gives me a power lead long enough to reach any area of the receiver insides.That fan is 60ma and is noisy also,probably from old age.I will keep searching my junk boxes for a quiet fan.