View Full Version : Unlocking Chrylser FOBS........................

5th December, 2011, 05:55 AM
Can a new transponder be soldered to replace an old one on a USED FOB? Thought it will work... seems theoretically right since its the transponder that locks up. Right?

7th December, 2011, 08:30 PM
good question

25th December, 2011, 09:43 AM
On the rhk they have different remote data to make the keys only work on 1 or 2 cars, the asians have like a super chip type one for normal other for 6 buttons. Have them dumped but since only nxp are what I have been able to get only 6 buttons been working. Buy a super key tool and read out the eeprom and put in the key programmed to it and you will find where and how it is stored. Then you can read a brand new one and use that to read out the new keys info/crypto code. Read with a hightag reader and you have key and remote info. Or I could just post it but its been a trade secret. If your smart you can find it and generate virgin remote pcf7941 and then figure the fobiks. (a virgin dump and a virgin key put in the super key tool will give you the info to read the virgins and get remote data older works better ie skim dump.