View Full Version : Renault explorer, True Code and Renault programmer by Abritus.

11th December, 2011, 09:52 PM

I need information about this tools.
Can i use a blank pcf7936 or must use a precode transponder (ID46).
Can i use ID46 locked (precoded for renault)??

12th December, 2011, 09:56 PM

I need information about this tools.
Can i use a blank pcf7936 or must use a precode transponder (ID46).
Can i use ID46 locked (precoded for renault)??

Hello friends
I use true code for several months, the tool will not let u down, the tool is very reliable and relatively cheap to the rest of the devices on the market.
About your questions , u Can not use a blank pcf7936 u need a precode transponder (ID46),and u can not use ID46 locked I suggested you purchase a key card ready to program.

22nd December, 2011, 11:40 PM
renault explorer is good outil .but the original interface

29th December, 2011, 04:41 PM
I have True Code from a few days. Recently I tried to add a new card into the Laguna2. The procedure went without a problem but the old card was removed.Question for those who use it. Is it possible to add new card, but without removing the old?
I'm talking about TrueCode from Maverick.

29th December, 2011, 04:43 PM
I have True Code from a few days. Recently I tried to add a new card into the Laguna2. The procedure went without a problem but the old card was removed.Question for those who use it. Is it possible to add new card, but without removing the old?
I'm talking about TrueCode from Maverick.

When programming cards and keys on renault. All old keys are wiped but its not a problem just re add them whilst programming in your new one.

I use AVDI for this personally but same principles apply.


29th December, 2011, 05:19 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. That's what I meant.

29th December, 2011, 05:34 PM
True Code it has to be said is very very very annoying

If you change the hardware in the PC even slightly (PCMCIA card) it times out

If the date changes it times out

and if you're really unluckly at random intervals it times out

Why on earth does it have a 1 year license which timesout?

You cannot get hold of the guy that sells it, Maverick dont want to know when it comes to after sales support so to be blunt get the AVDI license instead

You could be like me, a customer waiting in recetion "as I type this lol" and no way to make the product work. Yet a key prepared to be programmed, the little metal bit cut to the car and now no way to charge the customer without feeding the lady some BS

29th December, 2011, 10:38 PM
It's called protection ...... have you tried contacting maker via there forum? Personally I have had no issues at all reaching him, also if you tried contacting during holiday period then maybe they are closed? Have never dealt with Maverick so can't comment on there support.

3rd January, 2012, 02:13 PM
It's called protection ...... have you tried contacting maker via there forum? Personally I have had no issues at all reaching him, also if you tried contacting during holiday period then maybe they are closed? Have never dealt with Maverick so can't comment on there support.

I been reading on other forums support is lousey and neither Maverick or Keyprogrammers wish to know. I know from my own dealings with Maverick their support is lousey at best. I would never buy from them again.

12th January, 2012, 10:36 AM
thanks for all these informations

25th March, 2012, 11:32 AM
Anyone can give me step by step how can i make a ID46 for renault CLIO II with a blank PCF7936.
I have Hitag2 (Zed-Bull), I have tryed many configuration but never done on car.

26th March, 2012, 12:33 PM
Zed -Bull
Click Transponder Production Tab
On the Left Click 46
Click Renault
Click 7936
Then at the bottom click produce Transponder

26th March, 2012, 01:03 PM
Zed -Bull
Click Transponder Production Tab
On the Left Click 46
Click Renault
Click 7936
Then at the bottom click produce Transponder

I have make it but don't function.

I think the problem is on configuration on Hitag2.
I know My OBD device (Renault explorer) work with ID46 in CRYPTO mode.
I have actived the ENC for CRYPTO mode but always don't work.

Thanks for your reply.

26th March, 2012, 02:38 PM
Try password-manchester and not cipher/crypto-manchester

26th March, 2012, 02:45 PM

I have used 10 PCF7936...

and haven't found solution.

I will test tomorrow.

26th March, 2012, 02:51 PM
Have the 10 PCF7936 been locked in the process of trying to program them,as if not you can re write over them

26th March, 2012, 03:10 PM
Yes right,

When I try to program the chip with Renault Explorer the chip goes into locked.

26th March, 2012, 03:23 PM
This usually means it has been succesfull as the vehicle has communicated with the transponder and changed the crypto high and low to match the vehicle,is it just one vehicle that you have this problem with,and do you have a key that works,you could also clone your working key onto a TPX4 Chip

26th March, 2012, 03:33 PM
No same problem on all CLIO II with PCF7936.
My Zed-Bull is clone (can't do TPX4).

Next saturday i will try on clio II with key remote with inside PCF7946.

I have make many key on CLIO III with remote full working.

But never CLIO II

26th March, 2012, 03:48 PM
When you read keys in memory,how many keys does it say,after you have programmed,I use Truecode and this deletes all keys in memory when programming,so i do the originals first then the new key in sequence,you could try orignal first then new ,or new key first then original,and check how many keys in memory.

26th March, 2012, 11:32 PM
When you read keys in memory,how many keys does it say,after you have programmed,I use Truecode and this deletes all keys in memory when programming,so i do the originals first then the new key in sequence,you could try orignal first then new ,or new key first then original,and check how many keys in memory.

Have 2 keys in memory. When i try to learn new key i have error "proc?dure fail".
I have try firstly the original key and ni second time the new key.
I think i make mistake on TMCF (transponder memory configuration).

27th March, 2012, 09:31 PM

Can you give step by step how can you prepare transponder for clio with a blank PCF7936.
when you receive PCF7936 it's in Password+Manchester, right?

28th March, 2012, 01:03 PM
Click Hitag2 tab,enter the information in picture below apart from the ID line 0,,Choose Crypto & Manchester,click W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 after sucessfull click read all pages to see if it has been written.
If this does not work Try Password-Manchester

28th March, 2012, 08:16 PM
pcf 7936 must be in cipher mode to code into renault clio2. otherwise it will say successfull and lock the transponder but car wont start. precode 7936 in password with the zedbull and it must read cipher mode.

28th March, 2012, 11:22 PM
True Code it has to be said is very very very annoying
If you change the hardware in the PC even slightly (PCMCIA card) it times out
If the date changes it times out
and if you're really unluckly at random intervals it times out
Why on earth does it have a 1 year license which timesout?
You cannot get hold of the guy that sells it, Maverick dont want to know when it comes to after sales support so to be blunt get the AVDI license instead
You could be like me, a customer waiting in recetion "as I type this " and no way to make the product work. Yet a key prepared to be programmed, the little metal bit cut to the car and now no way to charge the customer without feeding the lady some BS

In response:
I don't often browse the forums, particularly the ones that are this full of nonsense, but a couple of friends told me of your comments. Having now read your comments I feel it necessary to reply, as what you say is untrue and unfair. The reasons for which I will now explain.

Before I do continue though, since this forum is public I will explain some of the facts for those that don't know us.
We, KeyProgrammers, are a family business comprising only of my wife and myself (and sometimes teenage daughter if she falls downstairs and turns up for work!). We design and support the software in-house from Manchester, UK. We don't pretend to be a large multi-national with a call centre, but we do try our best to provide the best product we can and to please all our customers.

We do not charge annually recurring technical support fees, as is industry standard practice with most diagnostic equipment. We do not charge for technical support at all. Due to the volume of customers, we prefer (but do not insist on) email correspondence and feel that as a free service that is perfectly acceptable.

We supply a very easy to use product that is especially designed so as not to need extensive backup. We don't compare ourselves to other products, as we are not trying to emulate or better any other product - just provide the best that we can. We price the product as if we were going to purchase it ourselves. We don't load the price with a few hundred (sometimes thousand) pounds to cater for the time and effort involved in providing 'free' technical support. We provide genuinely free support instead.

As with all industries it is impossible to achieve 100% customer satisfaction, due to the inescapable fact that some people are inherently 'un-satisfiable'. I imagine if you conducted your customer satisfaction survey at your workplace, you too would fail to achieve a geunine 100% result.

To explain some facts about the software. All software has to be copyrighted and protected, since there are always thieves who are ready to steal from a developer. Worse than this, but lucky for the thieves, there are multitudes of ready and willing purchasers of 'his' stolen wares. Forums such as this do much harm to the developers and the industry in general, sometimes unwittingly but mostly deliberately.

You can all see the chinese sellers and their stooges in many threads on here. There are many agendas, obvious and also not so obvious. You just sometimes have to think of a person's reasons for writing what they have, and then you can then see the reason for their post.

You provide the testimony that the software 'times out randomly'. The software does not 'time out randomly' or all 500 people who have it would also be suffering with 'timing out randomly'. They are not. It is the same type of people who complain of this. I will explain. There are two types of customers - locksmiths and diagnostic mechanics. The diagnostic customers are the ones who believe it times out randomly. It seldom happens to locksmiths. The reason? Locksmiths generally do not have cracked automotive software as they are not engaged in work that requires that cracked software.

Why is this a factor? When certain methods of cheating other software on the same computer are employed the license on our software is unwittingly affected.

I see from the list of equipment in your proud signature that you have many cloned (I prefer the rather more factual 'stolen' nomenclature) items. Much of the software protection in stolen software is stripped away and altered in various ways to allow them to work in an unlicensed state.

This has the effect of unlicensing the genuine equipment. You no doubt have autodata, ford vcm etc. etc. etc. all these have methods available, that are widely employed (and championed on this forum), to unlock module programming and allow them to work beyond their intended license end date. All such methods will also unwittingly invalidate your TrueCode license.

In any case, all licensing problems that are reported to us are fixed as soon as is possible. I spend many hours setting up people's software remotely because they don't read the supplied instructions. I don't have to do this - I could just say 'read the instructions'. I set 3 or 4 machines up - again I don't have to do this, but I do. I speak with people in the evenings if I am able. I reply to emails seven days a week if I am able. No company can do any more to try and please their customers. If it falls short of perfect, then that is just life, and I make no apologies for that - and nor should any of you.

Moving on to deal with the facts of this particular case:

Looking at the date of your post (29th December 2011 10:38 AM) I can work out who you are (Permoveo Limited). You, and the reader, may notice something significant about this date - a standard holiday period for most people in the UK and around half the world's nigh on seven billion population. Yes it is true we were, indeed, closed. Maverick Technology were also closed. Like the majority of people in the UK, and around the world, who work hard all year round we too look forward to a nice break at Christmas and New Year. To this end, the telephone was switched off.

Even so, an email was received at 1631 on the 29th December. This being the first we knew about it, and also being closed, we still replied at 1638 on the 29th December. I saw the mail on my blackberry, and instantly excused myself from the company I was in to solve it for you. Seven minutes response time when a company is closed, at Christmas, is not a response time that you can justly complain about.

As explained above the fact the software was locked is probably due to running cracked softwares across multiple partitions and is also something that you cannot justly complain about to us. Please tell me of the company that you know of that replies with the solution to your problem in a better time than 7 minutes - when they are closed - and when they haven't been the cause of the problem anyway ! (aside from ours!)

The other occasion that this same scenario happened to you was reported to us on 26th September 2011 1334 PM. Again, you bitterly complained that it was so inconvenient that the license had been lost and a customer was waiting. You make no mention as to the cause of the problem. Again, no doubt due to a computer full of cracked software. The fault was still swiftly rectified, at some considerable incovenience to myself on this occasion as I literally dropped what I was doing and drove back to the PC to generate the codes for you, at 1433PM the same afternoon. That is, in less than one hour.

How is this poor customer service? How is this 'not wanting to know' ?

By way of proof, a log of the entire transcript of emails can be found at the bottom of this post along with your thankyou for my help - during the Christmas holiday period. A note that was tellingly neglected in your original post. Perhaps you have some other agenda?

I would be grateful if in future that, when you make comment which deliberately attempts to damage someone's reputation, and business, that you are good enough to furnish the readers with all the facts. As is commonly said, a lie of omission is still a lie.

To sum up a rather lengthy response - no we are not perfect. The product is also not perfect. Show me the company and product who say that they are and I'll very quickly point you in the direction of some people who are deluded.

What we are, however, is honest. What we do is try our best. If you want to buy stolen goods, buy stolen goods.

When the people who make things aren't here any more then go ask the thieves for backup. Had any replies from China when things go wrong? Thought not. And, finally and probably most pertinently, don't attempt to damage a company's reputation in public if you haven't the wit or basis to do so, as you may very well find yourself made to look foolish in public.


Chris Cleasby

Email correspondence log follows:
From: Claire Nicholls
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 1:34 PM
To: sales@keyprogrammers.com
Cc: Richard Arnott ; Damien Jorgensen
Subject: TrueCode
Hi Guys
As discussed earlier today; for some reason my TrueCode software has lost its activation code.
We haven?t changed computers (its on the same laptop it has always been on) and as far as we know nothing else has been changed. There is other software on the machine obviously but nothing new that wasn?t there before.
The TrueCode hasn?t been used for a while and when they?ve attempted to use it this morning on a Renault Megane, it won?t allow access;
The site code box is red & contains D12EEE75
The MID box is also red & contains 86B4-C7DB-04AB-775A
There is a blue box that says LOCKED
I?ve cc?d Richard in because last time it wasn?t possible for me to email keyprogrammers directly.
Please sort this as soon as possible. I have a car here waiting on this software which is why I paid to buy it.
Claire Nicholls
For & On Behalf of Permoveo Limited

From: Chris Cleasby [mailto:sales@keyprogrammers.com]
Sent: 26 September 2011 14:33
To: Claire Nicholls
Cc: Richard Arnott; Robyn Steer; Sarah Cleasby
Subject: Re: TrueCode
Here?s the activation code:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (edited 28/3/12)
I have analysed the code that you sent originally and also the codes from today. The hardware IDs monitored and used as part of the activation procedure are the same and unchanged.
I would like to get to the bottom of the problem so that it does not inconvenience you again sometime in the future ? this was the reason for all my questions about the hardware.
In addition to the hardware monitoring the software protection will lock itself if you use vmware or change the date or time, or change the filename it uses or its location on the harddrive.
Also, some antivirus software allows the software to run ? but in a quarantine mode that will also invalidate the license. All these are seen by the program as an attempt to hack. I am in no way
suggesting that is what you have done ? just letting you know so that perhaps an explanation can be found to avoid this in the future.
Any problems, let me know and I will deal with them as promptly as is possible. Please be aware that activations can take up to two working days as all information regarding sales is thoroughly checked.
Chris Cleasby.

From: Claire Nicholls
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2011 4:31 PM
To: sales@keyprogrammers.com
Cc: richard@mavericktechnology.co.uk
Subject: FW: TrueCode
Hello again.
Been trying to contact you in relation to our TrueCode software again.
Further to the previous problem (see previous emails below), it has randomly done it again.
Yet again, nothing has been changed on the system and it hasn?t been used for a while.
Same scenario as before;
The site code box is red and contains EC34399D
MID box is also red and contains 9253-48E7-2894-1F44
There is a blue box that says LOCKED
Yet again I have a customer?s car here and am greatly inconvenienced by this issue.
I passed on your suggestions to my computer techs last time and they assure me that none of these apply to the laptop in question.
Please help.
Claire Nicholls
For & On Behalf of Permoveo Limited

From: Chris Cleasby [mailto:sales@keyprogrammers.com]
Sent: 29 December 2011 16:38
To: Claire Nicholls
Cc: Richard Arnott
Subject: Re: TrueCode
We are closed over the holiday period, but in the interests of customer relations here?s the code:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (edited 28/3/12)
I hope that you haven?t had to wait too long for the code. I only received this email 6 minutes ago.

Thanks Chris
Enjoy your holiday period and I?m sorry for disturbing you.
Have a Happy New Year
Best Wishes
Claire Nicholls


4th April, 2012, 08:34 PM
Hello coolsoda,

Im comeback, i have tested in cipher and password and same result. I have tested with same information on your screenshoot and same result.... Dont work.
I have use 5 new pcf7936 today....


Please help me....

Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk

5th April, 2012, 01:24 PM
Try a new remote with PCF7946/47 or find someone who will copy onto a TPX4

5th April, 2012, 01:34 PM
My friend,

I would like to know how can i prepare PCF7936 for renault explorer/true code.

Because i have many customers for CLIO II.
If i laways use one TPX4, i will lose many money.

You don't know where is my mistake?

5th April, 2012, 01:49 PM
if you have tried everything,then you could buy some precoded Renault 46 chips ,apollo auto have them for $3.60 each i think.

5th April, 2012, 01:53 PM
if you have tried everything,then you could buy some precoded Renault 46 chips ,apollo auto have them for $3.60 each i think.

But it's ID46 locked.

and Renault explorer can fuction with locked transponder.

I think it's same for True code.


5th April, 2012, 02:07 PM
When they say locked for renault,it is not locked it is prepared for renault

5th April, 2012, 02:11 PM
No my friend,

I have in house 30pcs of Renault ID46 LOCKED.

I can learn with TANGO but not possible with Renault explorer.

5th April, 2012, 02:11 PM
When they say Locked for renault,it is not locked it is precoded/prepared for Renault and comes in Cipher/Crypto mode,most other 46 transponders are just in Password mode

5th April, 2012, 05:28 PM
When they say Locked for renault,it is not locked it is precoded/prepared for Renault and comes in Cipher/Crypto mode,most other 46 transponders are just in Password mode

Trust me please.... I have buy 50pcs of renault id46 and i have received in LOCKED configuration.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk

5th April, 2012, 05:42 PM
Read with zed bull if the screen says Cipher-Manchester they are good for renault,if it says locked then they are used and this is why you are having your problems

5th April, 2012, 06:09 PM
To Double check go into hitag2 menu tick box pcf7936 tick box crypto mode,then read all pages,if all boxes turn green the its useable

5th April, 2012, 06:45 PM
My friend,

I know what is cipher, password and locked.
I know i need a unlocked transponder.
But I think the problem is on transponder configuration.

6th April, 2012, 05:29 PM
A dk user send me email where he say me TRUECODE can't learn key with ceramic PCF7936 (id46) on CLIO II.

Anyone can confirm this information?

Maybe renault explorer have same problem than TRUECODE????

Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk

9th April, 2012, 12:36 PM
Anyone hav solution for prepare PCF7936 for use with Renault explorer or Renault TRUE CODE???

9th April, 2012, 05:43 PM
all this tools work with precoded transponders. cannot use a virgin one. u have to precod it with Zedbull or similar tool.

9th April, 2012, 08:50 PM
all this tools work with precoded transponders. cannot use a virgin one. u have to precod it with Zedbull or similar tool.

My friend, i know i need to prepare the pcf7936.
But even if i prepare pcf7936 i can't learn with renault explorer.
Have you got renault explorer or renault true code?

Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk

19th April, 2012, 11:45 PM
Read with zed bull if the screen says Cipher-Manchester they are good for renault,if it says locked then they are used and this is why you are having your problems

Getting these from china is a risk .

So they might be foocked.

Not even able to read them ...

19th April, 2012, 11:54 PM
It's called protection ...... have you tried contacting maker via there forum? Personally I have had no issues at all reaching him, also if you tried contacting during holiday period then maybe they are closed? Have never dealt with Maverick so can't comment on there support.

True . Never had problems comunicating to this guy .

Always there to reply on your questions .

Even when he is about 6000km away .

And even when on holiday.

But be reasonable . Foock the client he can wait 14 days for a new keycard . Why must he be helped in 20 minutes .

To boost your image based on some one else's software to proof that you are the best man around town?????
So be reasonable mate..

You know who you are ...

21st April, 2012, 10:12 PM
A dk user send me email where he say me TRUECODE can't learn key with ceramic PCF7936 (id46) on CLIO II.

Anyone can confirm this information?

Maybe renault explorer have same problem than TRUECODE????

Sent from my BlackBerry 9900 using Tapatalk

M8 clioII will not program pcf7936, they need a remote, believe me , me and my m8 have tried me with abrites and him with AD100PRO, they will work on kangoo but not clio when programming in diagnostically.

23rd April, 2012, 10:04 AM
Thanks my friend.
It's very strangely because Renault CLIP can program PCF7936 by OBD.
So Must use remote, It's ok.
Thanks at all.

23rd May, 2012, 06:53 PM
M8 clioII will not program pcf7936, they need a remote, believe me , me and my m8 have tried me with abrites and him with AD100PRO, they will work on kangoo but not clio when programming in diagnostically.


With a simular post elsewhere

Ok, had a Kangroo II in today - was unable to talk to the UCH as a Kangoo, but worked PERFECT on Vauxhall Vivaro.

Don't ask what it said on Clio - really can't remember!

13th December, 2012, 01:03 PM
Need help for prepare PCF7936 for learn on Megane 2...

I have Zed-bull for make it..

I have:

put pcf7936 in coin, transponder production > 46 > renault > 7936 and clik on product.

The transponder is in CIPHER mode (good).
Tryed to learn on car with Mavrick true code and Renault device from SIMONTOUCH (standalone model) and don't work.

I know is possible because many people work with PCF7936.

Please help.

Can give money for solution.

wd bau
13th December, 2012, 02:05 PM
is car has smart key or regular key , if smart key u can not use pcf7936 u need new smart key or used one (u have to replace eeprom pcf inside used smart key and precoded).

13th December, 2012, 02:19 PM
is car has smart key or regular key , if smart key u can not use pcf7936 u need new smart key or used one (u have to replace eeprom pcf inside used smart key and precoded).

Trust me we can do it.
But i don't know how...
I have see a car start with pcf7936 on a plastic cover of remote card.

13th December, 2012, 02:30 PM
I have tried to use a 7936 taped inside an empty keycard shell but no luck,i have tried writing various info on page 4567 in hitag but still nothing on megane,but seemingly the process does work on the Laguna
You could try a TPX3

13th December, 2012, 02:50 PM
:eek::eek::eek::fisheye::fisheye::fisheye:I have see with my eyes...

can do it!!!

But can't know how at this time....


29th December, 2012, 11:15 PM
i have try to make key for clio 2 with 7936 because have problem the coil.the answer is change coil only from 4d or 4d chip .exchange the coil.only new key programmed with true code or clip.a locksmith programmed new key in clio 46id and then make virgin and programmed to othe clio.i see it because i test the same key in 2 clio.he have ad 100 and zed bull original.but he programmed with ad 100.i try in clio with all ways and from dump but i can t programmed on car.in same other country can do with true code and in some other not.so change coil is better i think

2nd March, 2013, 02:13 PM
i have megane with smart key.
if i buy used smart card and put in new 46transponder, is it possible to connect it with car using renault can clip? i can get the pin code no problem, but i just want to know if i must use z bull to precode it?
is better to buy blank chip and precode it or is is better to buy 46?

thanks a lot!

2nd March, 2013, 06:56 PM
i have megane with smart key.
if i buy used smart card and put in new 46transponder, is it possible to connect it with car using renault can clip? i can get the pin code no problem, but i just want to know if i must use z bull to precode it?
is better to buy blank chip and precode it or is is better to buy 46?

thanks a lot!

If you would like to use the remote you must change pcf7947 inside (buy a renault precoded pcf7947).
And you will have a full working key (remote and start).