View Full Version : Ubuntu Linux Question, Help!?

12th December, 2011, 03:54 AM
Hi, I created a nice dual-boot system so that I can also have
Ubuntu Linux next to Windows 7.

I'm a newcomer to Linux, and I find the Linux file (navigation) system to be aggravating
and mysterious..

I opened up a terminal (in Linux), and I'm trying to access the "Downloads" folder.

Well, I managed to get to a directory such as "Computer-UserName: ~$ "
then I do a "dir" command to see a list of subdirectories,... and some of the
directories listed are indeed "Downloads", "SDesktop", "GNUstep", "Pictures", "Templates",
"Documents", "Music", "Public", "Videos",....http://www.uklv.info/g.gif

But, when I try to change to the "Downloads" directory, I get an error message
such as "No such file or directory"...

What happened? Why won't it let me change to the "Downloads" directory?

I used the simple command: "CD Downloads", or "CD /Downloads", and nothing works.

12th December, 2011, 03:53 PM
In every version of Ubuntu i have ever run CD Downloads should get you into the downloads directory.
Two things to bear in mind are
1) are you in your own home directory as Ubuntu folders have rites. If you type cd ~ this should make sure that you are in your own folder as this command moves you into your own home directory.
2) Linux / Ubuntu is case sensitive so therefore Downloads is not the same as downloads which is not the same as DOWNLOADS etc...

You don't say which version of Ubuntu you are running so it is possible you are running 11.11 which i have never run so it may have a slightly different structure but i would not expect this to be the case.
Two extra points are ls (Thats LS) is the linux Dir command. It will accept Dir but i believe there is more functionality in ls
And If you start to type a folder path and then hit TAB, if the path is unique the path should be automatically completed for you. E.G. cd Dow then hit TAB should complete the path name unless you have something else that starts with Dow

18th December, 2011, 03:06 PM
Hallo quemans,
Better use mc (midnight commander) to see all files en dir. You can get in de root, see the tree and home dir