View Full Version : New f series BMW 5 and 7 series via can blocker

28th December, 2011, 05:03 PM
Just wondered has anyone done a new 5/7. Series BMW with the can blockers just out , as it's suppose to be untraceable , I'm wondering how many places it's findable

28th December, 2011, 05:51 PM
Just wondered has anyone done a new 5/7. Series BMW with the can blockers just out , as it's suppose to be untraceable , I'm wondering how many places it's findable

I've seen these can blockers but havent used one yet as 150eu is a little expensive and not too many people are doing 2011 cars at least around me. I have heard though that they do work very well, but I would need to install one and connect a gt1 or even my avdi to read all the other mileage spots to see what its actually blocking or syncing.


28th December, 2011, 09:56 PM
hi some one have link suplier can blocker for new bmw body F

28th December, 2011, 10:01 PM
hi some one have link suplier can blocker for new bmw body F

BMW CAS4 Can Filter | Mercedes and Renault Can Filter (http://can-filter.com/bmw-cas4/)

29th December, 2011, 12:06 PM
BMW CAS4 Can Filter | Mercedes and Renault Can Filter (http://can-filter.com/bmw-cas4/)
They are trust able ? i need also for w204 !

29th December, 2011, 02:50 PM
For Mercedes use elprosys there very good although most of the decent tools are now doing them by old

29th December, 2011, 10:35 PM
To leave evidence behind is asking for trouble!

Just tell the punter it cant be done properly yet.

Before anyone goes off on one. I mean if you do for example a merc via obd, no evidence left behind.

You are allowed to tell the punter NO!

3rd January, 2012, 11:32 AM
by new cas and do other places with avdi or BMW Explorer - not all but something

27th January, 2012, 11:26 PM

but with bloker inside CAS, how many show key when dealer check it ? ori or mob ?

because ori stay always in CAS , and bloker lock info to dash but to ignition ?

28th January, 2012, 12:08 AM
by new cas and do other places with avdi or BMW Explorer - not all but something

You have to explain to dealer why you want new cas for vehicle only 3 months old?
experimenting until I broke it !

Dealer very suspicious about cas, opened it to look inside:embarassed:
luckily I escaped without problem and warranty intact [????bribe]

If Can blocker is being left in car.and problems arise, unlike a merc ezs, its easy for dealer to flip open cas and look inside.

28th January, 2012, 05:54 AM
You have to explain to dealer why you want new cas for vehicle only 3 months old?
experimenting until I broke it !

Dealer very suspicious about cas, opened it to look inside:embarassed:
luckily I escaped without problem and warranty intact [????bribe]

If Can blocker is being left in car.and problems arise, unlike a merc ezs, its easy for dealer to flip open cas and look inside.

thats why u try and wire it inline somewere in the wiring loom

or easy option = it cant be done yet, shouldnt have drove it to many miles!

28th January, 2012, 09:29 AM
I have spent hours in Merc footwell connect can blockers fitted in little boxes, marking them "GPS TRAKER" working out which can high and low are which on the connector block.

Then to find the blocker doesnt want to work externally.

No thank you, I am not that hard up.

Until a foolproof option without leaving bits of electronics in the car for spies to find, I will give `em a miss.

as Arthur said......................its not my fault its done too many miles

28th January, 2012, 06:38 PM
i have a way to solve these cars ;)

28th January, 2012, 06:54 PM
good for you:dancing2:

28th January, 2012, 07:07 PM
Here's the real question, if its blocking communication with cas and dash. When you put in the keys to take the new mileage, how is it doing this when its set to not set out the signal.The mileage is going to remain the same on the CAS unit from what I understand, so ok the CAS stays the same but dash can be changed and not go back up. But like I sad, if the cas is still having old km in it, how are they keys getting the new km you have put in the dash???


28th January, 2012, 07:12 PM
i know, wohooo:party:

28th January, 2012, 08:29 PM
BKenigma says...."Heres the real question"

answers on a postcard to................................................ .

28th January, 2012, 08:35 PM
i know, wohooo:party:

good for you :dancing2:

captain crackers
28th January, 2012, 08:58 PM
Here's the real answer, I can't be bothered with them or the NEC Mercs. Never done one and don't intend to start now. I leave them to the mileage correction heroes. I would rather have a cup of tea and a piece of toast. Not lost any customers or money as a result and not had any headaches over them. As far as I am concerned they don't exist! Arthur.

28th January, 2012, 10:32 PM
Here's the real answer, I can't be bothered with them or the NEC Mercs. Never done one and don't intend to start now. I leave them to the mileage correction heroes. I would rather have a cup of tea and a piece of toast. Not lost any customers or money as a result and not had any headaches over them. As far as I am concerned they don't exist! Arthur.


29th January, 2012, 12:10 AM
good for you:dancing2:

good for you :dancing2:


i think you'v got amnesia, u replyin twice to 1 post

and yes they do exist, so does the 300 squids after iv handed the keys back

captain crackers
29th January, 2012, 12:37 AM
Fortunately I do not need whatever money you get for doing them! Neither do I need the aggravation, if or when it all goes wrong. There are plenty of other cars and vans for me to do between the cups of tea and slices of toast. Where I live the people who can afford these cars don't want them adjusting and the people who really can't afford them are the ones who do. As well as not wanting to do these cars I don't want to deal with this type of person.
One thing I never do is discuss on a forum what I get paid for any job. It is totally unnecessary and earns me no brownie points. Arthur.

29th January, 2012, 01:40 AM
One thing I never do is discuss on a forum what I get paid for any job. It is totally unnecessary and earns me no brownie points. Arthur.

Well, could you answer this next question please:-

Do you charge more than E10 that Anderson Maxi charges?

Say Z go on then, what is the cure for these?


29th January, 2012, 02:01 AM
i get paid 300 squids not currency, want some sea food meaty?

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS24DHritBKiFppeKijFvaXsqNT0gz2X uNOebz8PIpesFWbDEfr

i wish ppl paid cash

29th January, 2012, 10:58 AM
i think you'v got amnesia, u replyin twice to 1 post

and yes they do exist, so does the 300 squids after iv handed the keys back

they where answers to posts... no. 13....no.16.....and no.20.!

Yes I do suffer from memory loss....many years of inhaling lead solder fumes! [but not on this ocassion!]

Regarding the money earned..........I dont earn much out of this job...............hobby really.............probably only a tenth of what you and the other top in-correctors earn, but I also prefer the easy life,tea and toast [bread recommended by Arthur].....................Good Luck.

29th January, 2012, 01:32 PM
lol dont get me rong, im broke

i dont earn much, not too greedy, enuff to pay the bills

and even then sometimes its a struggle

atleast u get the luxury of tea n toast

29th January, 2012, 05:54 PM
aye only the elite get to have tea and tost im still on beans and rice

29th January, 2012, 06:23 PM
beans n rice? even you are more privileged than me lol

29th January, 2012, 07:40 PM
Here's the real answer, I can't be bothered with them or the NEC Mercs. Never done one and don't intend to start now. I leave them to the mileage correction heroes. I would rather have a cup of tea and a piece of toast. Not lost any customers or money as a result and not had any headaches over them. As far as I am concerned they don't exist! Arthur.

I actually agree with Arthur to some degree here. The new Cas4 units, if I cant do them and they need an adapater im passing. As far as mercs, if the person dont want it done OBD and I do clear out all the other locations I pass on them also. There are plenty of other cars and trucks which need to be done so for the 2 bmws i may pass on, 6 other fords or audis come my way


29th January, 2012, 08:45 PM
.many years of inhaling lead solder fumes! the other top in-correctors earn, .

Wicked, i like inhaling stuff, then find out it rots your lungs, whoops.

Ah - good word that "IN-correctors" - the car has 26 memorys, and there all 'wrong' - brilliant.

Take this thread for example, sadly it's 'locked' but cool anyway.

Perhaps you could look into this thread lol

29th January, 2012, 10:38 PM
my solution does not require any additional things, simple things are always the best (and a little dangerous)

29th January, 2012, 11:31 PM
Has anyone heard any info that a Russian firm is doing the New BMW's via ODB and selling the software around 5500 euro ?

30th January, 2012, 12:40 AM
suppose you get a cas4 with a 9s12 in it and use that

anyway, Arthur can convert them to run on ews4 for ?90 including tea and toast

30th January, 2012, 09:28 PM
Does a 2011 6 series have cas4?

31st January, 2012, 01:44 AM
Does a 2011 6 series have cas4?

BMW F series CAS4 Located

31st January, 2012, 01:51 AM
Does a 2011 6 series have cas4?

cant tell from the pictures i can see on google

biggest car iv ever done is a micra

31st January, 2012, 07:42 AM
I will take it to bits on Wednesday and see whats in it.

[6 series, not micra]

captain crackers
31st January, 2012, 09:41 AM
Eric, I believe it has a slim line toaster (one slice) where the cas was on the older 6 series. Arthur

31st January, 2012, 09:57 AM
Removed>>>>>How did my post end up here???

31st January, 2012, 03:16 PM
cant tell from the pictures i can see on google

biggest car iv ever done is a micra

Sorry late back to work, use search Botoon, think Justy22 his first ever thread was about milage IN-correction on a Micra

Removed>>>>>How did my post end up here???

Yeah, i find that as well, pritty sure GMB45 spilt beer in the server in the DK Staffroom, but he strongly denies this.

Apparntly it has ring stains of Stell on it and stains dribbling down the side!!


31st January, 2012, 09:07 PM
Eric, I believe it has a slim line toaster (one slice) where the cas was on the older 6 series. Arthur

Ah yes, toast,luvly stuff.

More like it would have some sort of pumpanikel ? device, being German.