View Full Version : Mondeo 2008

8th February, 2012, 11:34 AM
Hi could someone tell me if the immo code is stored in these dashes 9s12h256 corrected miles now car wont start never had an issue before with these

8th February, 2012, 11:39 AM
yep, there is vin number inside

without dash, not start
much ford cars in last 6 years have this...

8th February, 2012, 11:58 AM
Thanks car parts , here are the 2 dumps attached original back-up and when the smelecom motorola changed the dash i have a feeling it ~~~~ed it up
dumps attached
02080353 original (142454) miles
02080500 mileage changed ( 79850 ) miles
miles showed up in the car no problem when corrected but i have a feeling the dump was corrupted when writting new mileage
i put the old data back into the dash via bdm points and car still wont start any ideas guys ??

8th February, 2012, 12:12 PM
oeps, you forgot the dumps to upload

BTW, i do not have experience about smelecom....
so i can not tell you if this tool is reliable or not

8th February, 2012, 01:21 PM
dumps attached