View Full Version : Steps to make Peugeot307 IMMO off

28th February, 2012, 08:52 AM
Hello ....
Have a nice day!
I know there are professional people in this forum, please help.
I have (Otocheck v2,PSA for Immo off, IMMO Killer,IMMO TOOL)
(Xprog-M,Orang5,LABtool-48 programmer)

Please I want make Peugeot307 IMMO off , what is actual steps to do ECU IMMO off, i want to do by my self.
Check Pictures.
EEPROM (25C16)
FLASH (29F400B)
Best regards

28th February, 2012, 09:35 AM
Read 95160 and 29F400 and post it here.

It can be done in 2 ways :

1 - By eeprom only
2 - By eeprom & Flash memory ( 95160 and 29F400 )

28th February, 2012, 09:36 AM
Hello ....
Have a nice day!
I know there are professional people in this forum, please help.
I have (Otocheck v2,PSA for Immo off, IMMO Killer,IMMO TOOL)
(Xprog-M,Orang5,LABtool-48 programmer)

Please I want make Peugeot307 IMMO off , what is actual steps to do ECU IMMO off, i want to do by my self.
Check Pictures.
EEPROM (25C16)
FLASH (29F400B)
Best regards

Are you sure you don't have 95160 somwhere on the PCB board ???

28th February, 2012, 09:48 AM
Thank you Mr.bursuc (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/members/276744-bursuc/) to early reply and your help.
I can read eeprom & Flash, but i want the way and steps how to make it OFF without post my files, i need to learn how to make it by my self, i have programs and tools for that just i need the steps my friend.

28th February, 2012, 09:52 AM
It can be done in 2 ways :

1 - By eeprom only
2 - By eeprom & Flash memory ( 95160 and 29F400 )

Thanks my friend.
Please show me the steps of 1st one by eeprom only, i think it's easy to do??

What is difference between first way and second way.
best regards

28th February, 2012, 09:59 AM
You can use Immo Decoder 2.0 , there i found information about your ECU , this program make immo off for you and after that you can see what are the modification from original bin with immo on and the dump with immo off.

i think you have 25c150 wich i think is the same as 95160 ... someone correct me if i am wrong.

28th February, 2012, 10:12 AM
You can use Immo Decoder 2.0 , there i found information about your ECU , this program make immo off for you and after that you can see what are the modification from original bin with immo on and the dump with immo off.

i think you have 25c150 wich i think is the same as 95160 ... someone correct me if i am wrong.

Thanks my friend for useful information.
I found 25C16 beside MCU, see pic.

Immo Decoder 2.0 = Otocheck 2.0?????

28th February, 2012, 12:13 PM
Thanks my friend for useful information.
I found 25C16 beside MCU, see pic.

Immo Decoder 2.0 = Otocheck 2.0?????

no Immo Decoder 2.0 = Otocheck 2.0 is not otocheck

15th April, 2012, 10:59 PM
Any other advice for me??

10th February, 2016, 10:07 AM
my questions ;

1- before i do immo off by Immo Decoder 2.0 , must i make 25C16 free of data ( i erase all data after reading it for 25C16 ) ? in the end the modificated 25C16 dump file by Immo Decoder 2.0 written to the free 25C16 . is that correct?

2- immo off done on engine ecu for all car makes ?

thank u