View Full Version : 211 545 06 08 Flash need

3rd March, 2012, 06:51 AM
I have HC12 3k91D
i need a flash for it.
Xprog format.
Can someone help me. Thank you.

3rd March, 2012, 04:20 PM
Here u have

3rd March, 2012, 08:51 PM
thank u.
i tried the write it with Xprog
all the flash line now become
FF FF FF FF and verified error

so what should i do?

3rd March, 2012, 10:12 PM
Xprog cannot write flash corectly,
use ETL ,best solution


4th March, 2012, 06:01 PM
i change the ezs..
i write the EEPROM from the original EZS back to the new ezs.
DAS was fine but no crank CAN 50 signal from EZS.
if i crank it manually the car work awesome..
remote funcion work..everything work except CAN 50 OFF

please help me

4th March, 2012, 06:52 PM
i change the ezs..
i write the EEPROM from the original EZS back to the new ezs.
DAS was fine but no crank CAN 50 signal from EZS.
if i crank it manually the car work awesome..
remote funcion work..everything work except CAN 50 OFF

please help me

Open the New EZS and Check contacts.

4th March, 2012, 07:09 PM
Open the New EZS and Check contacts.

Signal for Kl 50 are send via CAN to ECU so no need to check contacts,it is hard to say wath the problem is.Maybe the flash from new EZS are not the same version with the original,better put original eeprom back in new EZS ,generate keys,make ESl virgin,and ECU


5th March, 2012, 12:30 AM
the orignal ezs is
HC 12 : part number: 211 545 06 08

the one i put in is 9s12 1l85d. 211 545 10 08
i change the new ezs. i do not used the old eeprom from the HC12 because we can't write 3l91d data to 1l85d
i virgin ecu ...
DAS OK. ECU start enable..but still not CAN 50. Crank car manual work.
i can't renew ESL because i don't know how to. i must use ESL emulator.

so what should i do next?
car is 2002 e240 211.061

5th March, 2012, 12:33 AM
You cannot use ST12 with HC12 eeprom data as it different!

You need to find new HC12 EZS and use your eeprom data. It will work perfectly!

5th March, 2012, 01:03 AM
but i already virgin ECU.
i married the ECU with new 9S12 data.
i did not write the HC12 data to 9s12.

5th March, 2012, 07:36 AM
the orignal ezs is
HC 12 : part number: 211 545 06 08

the one i put in is 9s12 1l85d. 211 545 10 08
i change the new ezs. i do not used the old eeprom from the HC12 because we can't write 3l91d data to 1l85d
i virgin ecu ...
DAS OK. ECU start enable..but still not CAN 50. Crank car manual work.
i can't renew ESL because i don't know how to. i must use ESL emulator.

so what should i do next?
car is 2002 e240 211.061

OK, if you have Star with Developer ,go to EZS in DEV menu
and change motor type ,in your "new" EIS is for shure another motor type,and second problem can be ESL emulator,read MCU from ESL and i help you to make it virgin,
but first try in EZS DEV menu and check wath type of ESL is there,and change to old type


6th March, 2012, 03:54 AM
i went to Star developer mode but i can't find any line about ESL old and new. Would u please show me the line.
i went to ZGW i see engine code and trans..but i can't find in ezs also.

i saw actual value of EZS
EZS start enable : YES
ESL Start enable : NO
ECU start Enable YES


6th March, 2012, 07:38 AM
Ok ,forget motor type,it is 100% ESL problem,
you use emulator for ESL...
better open original ESL ,read MCU
and post file
