View Full Version : Peugeot 207 307 407 308 key virginise

21st March, 2012, 07:30 PM
Just to see if anybody can shine some light on this!I have Local lock autosmith which can virginise peugeot keys in minutes but dont want to tell me how he does it.I deal with Citroen/Peugeot cars and every single day I have phone calls about used EBAY Peugeot keys:Can you program used key to my car and cut it for me?Where did you get it EBAY??It is crazy.Local autosmith can do it and he charges me 60 pounds to cut and virginise key and programs which takes 10 minutes for him.he told me if I ask other lock smiths guys they would say they can not do it.which is true I did ask few other lock smiths.IN last 3 months I had about 30 keys done by him and that is alot of money for him.I give him 1 used key to virginise for me which was locked (checked with Zedbull) after when i got it from him after minutes i checked it again it was unlocked and on zedbull said Manchester-password.Anybody knows how he does it and with which tool???THANK YOU

23rd March, 2012, 11:52 PM
Anybody?Can not be that hard surely somebody knows how!I will pay for this information!

24th March, 2012, 12:14 AM
Well, This sounds so good for me
I like that way of working, he was able to find out some good secrets and he's making money out of his efforts. It's a shame to crack his efforts.

Better way is to go his way and develop your skills, instead of finding an easy solution. What comes easily is lost easily!!

24th March, 2012, 12:28 AM
I am not looking for easy way out and Iam not hunting for anybodies work Umossa,you dont understand and can not read what did i wrote.here I am trying to help myself and other people on this forum .thanks for your useless comment!

24th March, 2012, 12:42 AM
FYI, experienced locksmith specialists know how to do this, but i doubt that someone can reveal the secret. I also know how to do this, but i can't reveal it because i don't want to lose my market share. It's business on top of all.

24th March, 2012, 01:49 AM
I don't think its a useless comment, i think its a very good point he is making.
You've been on here for 12 months but only made 7 posts but in that time you've taken advantage of freely given info and made 25 downloads, but you say you're not hunting work.
Even if you were told how he does it, you probably havent got the gear to do it, which would set you back a couple of grand, so you are probably better off buying them off him at 60 quid and not having to lay out anything or have to learn how to do it.
Like Umoussa says, better to go out and develop your own skills, learn how to do procedures of your own.

Then see if you want to share them with everyone in your area

24th March, 2012, 09:17 PM
yes your are right i did done 25 downloads and none of them did not work for me either is password protected or alot of vireses or junk .when you email the person for password never replays to you .I have done few usefull posts and replayed back.I dont use this forum very often as you can see it is just time wasting.I posted this on other forum and people replayed for key virginise which I payed 50 euros through paypal for information and worked perfect( thanks to Sems from Italy) and you dont need 1000s for tool (some people just waist time here and try to mislead you) and luckily i had Hitag tool and just downloaded software he send me.I knew it was something very simple.Told locksmith today he was suprised and came down to see it and then he told me it is the same thing he is got.I did not have time to look for this before but now I know.Thanks for your useless comments anyway!!!

17th April, 2012, 05:52 PM
Thats easy :) OPEN change chip and charge 60 pounds :)
New chip cost 3$ and preprogram with zad bul 1 minute....

17th April, 2012, 09:46 PM
Tell what's name of the tool, there is probably more people who want to know, thanks.

17th April, 2012, 11:28 PM
Better yet someone send me the software :p

17th April, 2012, 11:35 PM
Better yet someone send me the software :p

lol I would like a copy aswell please.

18th April, 2012, 01:15 PM
Is it right that says Darius89, not in fighting for something that is cheaper to do otherwise.

19th April, 2012, 08:55 PM
Is it right that says Darius89, not in fighting for something that is cheaper to do otherwise.

It's true achaccha but I have dozens of new keys that can be cleaned instead of throwing

26th April, 2012, 09:31 PM
Better yet someone send me the software :p

Would like to bump.

Sorry Drakov as your a moderator - therfore non biasaed, perhaps you could settle this argument, please.

Would i be right in thinking a DK member has asked for help from the worlds best SHARING website on an intreasting problem, but sadly no DK member has the answer - altough it would be nice to know.

Then said member finds the information on an INFERIOR website, yet hasn't SHARED it with members of the wrolds best website?

Feel free to moderate this post if you need to.


17th May, 2012, 07:41 PM
Better yet someone send me the software :p

I would love this info/software too, these keys are soooo expensive new:(


18th May, 2012, 06:35 AM
[QUOTE=breeville;1496237]Local autosmith can do it and he charges me 60 pounds to cut and virginise key and programs which takes 10 minutes for him.

If your paying this guy ?60, why dont you buy a new key, I know there expensive, but I get them for less than ?60 and they are BRAND NEW!!!


18th May, 2012, 02:23 PM

How much are genuine peugot ones - say 206 remote or 307 remote?

Dealer says takes 10 days to get pin code (costomer phoned up about one)
BUT the same dealer that said 10 days, has given us pin's in less than an hour!

Do we have the software to elavuate yet please?

Name of suppling bloke in Italy?

Does it work with Zed-Bull Clone?

19th May, 2012, 01:03 AM
Quoted from some of meatheads previous posts...:cool:

"Heard it through the grapevine" (marvin gaye) that virgin immob chips can be picked up from hu flung dung....in the slanty eyes country...:top:

19th May, 2012, 08:54 AM
Transponder PCF7941 - HITAG-2 :: Sklep@AutoDiag.pl (http://www.autodiag.pl/index.php?p151,transponder-pcf7941-hitag-2)
See this new transponders for 207,407.......

19th May, 2012, 11:25 AM
Quoted from some of meatheads previous posts...:cool:

"Heard it through the grapevine" (marvin gaye) that virgin immob chips can be picked up from hu flung dung....in the slanty eyes country...:top:

it's called recycling.

imagine, you have just nicked a car, weighed it in, kept the keys.

you get a non starter in - costomer has lost the chip in key, dealer says it's 10 days to get pin code (they do), 10 days to get a key. No chip available.

so you log onto an INFERIOR website*, get the pin to vin, and then virgin one of them chips, reprogramme, job done.

Charge punter more than enough to donate to DK twice in a form of appolgy for using an inferior website.

*Due to some tw@at we don't have this feature here on the worlds best website

20th May, 2012, 07:06 PM
*Due to some tw@at we don't have this feature here on the worlds best website[/QUOTE]

Couldn't agree more................

20th May, 2012, 07:10 PM
Transponder PCF7941 - HITAG-2 :: Sklep@AutoDiag.pl (http://www.autodiag.pl/index.php?p151,transponder-pcf7941-hitag-2)
See this new transponders for 207,407.......

Ive got new ones mate, but you have to pre code them.
Also, some of the psa remotes use a seperate carbon pcf7936 chip, and when you program a new one, the remote gets done too.

SOOO, the big question is, how to pre prog the pcf with correct data to match the remote??


20th May, 2012, 08:13 PM
upload software now or i'll tell the boss

20th May, 2012, 08:16 PM
upload software now or i'll tell the boss

Well, looks like you need it as well.

Say Macca58 mate, there a way to make washing powder last forever, but i'm not going to tell you how. Is that fair?

20th May, 2012, 08:17 PM
No to share is to care ;)

20th May, 2012, 08:19 PM
No to share is to care ;)

Huh, does that mean if the software for this is uploaded i have to tell you have to make your washing powder last forever?

20th May, 2012, 08:23 PM
If you dont mind m8 cos me next door neighbour stinks :top:

20th May, 2012, 08:25 PM
If you dont mind m8 cos me next door neighbour stinks :top:

Well you see, i have the solution to a problem that EVERYBODY would like the answer to, i have found the solution from an INFERIOR forum, and i'm not going to share it.


If the orginal poster uploads the software, or at least the user name of where came from etc etc, then i'll share.

But till that time no.

20th May, 2012, 09:01 PM
There's always pm's for your 'friends' meaty :) :) :)


20th May, 2012, 09:04 PM
There's always pm's for your 'friends' meaty :) :) :)


AH, well if you send me a pm requesting so, or even a vistor message, i'm just going to ignore you.


TOTALLY forgot about that T4 software - guess that SBB for ?50 is a no.
(I went off-line on vaction and forgot)

20th May, 2012, 09:10 PM
**** never got back to me with sbb m8, did hound him but no cigar.
Still got a t4 mobile device with all leads and no software:(, can get it though for a fee, dont mind paying but dont even know if its gonna work!!

ps, thanks for the ignorance!!


25th May, 2012, 07:55 PM
Searched the web for inferior forum and only found this when i got bored..

What does MEATHEAD mean? - MEATHEAD Definition - Meaning of MEATHEAD - InternetSlang.com (http://www.internetslang.com/MEATHEAD-meaning-definition.asp)

25th May, 2012, 08:01 PM
thanks for that, but REALLY need to download this software, got a upcoming task down the pub - *GOT* to have it.

Do you have it?

25th May, 2012, 08:37 PM
thanks for that, but REALLY need to download this software, got a upcoming task down the pub - *GOT* to have it.

Do you have it?

Seems you going to be the main snake in the pub quizzz..

Have got no answer to this question yet mate..

So hopefully Vic will understand ( The Singer)

25th May, 2012, 09:27 PM
AH, well if you send me a pm requesting so, or even a vistor message, i'm just going to ignore you.


TOTALLY forgot about that T4 software - guess that SBB for ?50 is a no.
(I went off-line on vaction and forgot)

You had me there for a second >>>????

26th May, 2012, 11:13 PM
well I will give you a clue for inferior web try .it not .com.and will help if you know italian or use translater :) Will never upload the software due some tw$ats on this forum and the attitude towords me !!!Good LUCK!!!!
P.S why dont you ask other guys for solution like for example Umossa before i did posted.They seem to had solution before i did.i dont think so :):):)

26th May, 2012, 11:59 PM
:) Will never upload the software due some tw$ats on this forum

OK, i'll dig out my e-mail address and you can send it their if you can.


In the mean time does the italian guy have a user name, or the inferior website have a name? Filename would be great.

Does it work with Zedbull Clone?

27th May, 2012, 03:08 PM
Better yet someone send me the software

well I will give you a clue for inferior web try .it not .com.and will help if you know italian or use translater Will never upload the software due some tw$ats on this forum and the attitude towords me !!!Good LUCK!!!!
P.S why dont you ask other guys for solution like for example Umossa before i did posted.They seem to had solution before i did.i dont think so


About linking to INFERIOR forums, but if it's correct, and it helps fellow DK members then, can't see it being a problem, once this INFERIOR site has been LEECHED and RAIDED, will happily edit this post

Guessing it would be a waste of time asking by PM umussa for the software.

Gave up with google translate.

Does anybody leech in Italian.?


27th May, 2012, 03:27 PM
Hello,Meat-Head don't lost your time I speak italian and this soft don't exist it's note true
I've ask in many italian forum

Breeville dice bougie

27th May, 2012, 04:05 PM
Breeville dice bougie

What does that mean then?

Would you be kind enough to join that above INFERIOR forum and have a look around and a leech please?


27th May, 2012, 05:58 PM
Italian people undestand that

27th May, 2012, 09:43 PM
well done Meat Head !you are very close and yes you do need to log in to access this information .Forget Damih just a example of Etw&at on this forum does not even no what is looking for:):).Just to tell you before me this guy posted this tread long time ago here on forum and he did not got the answer.Why he did not uploaded the answer is the same reason is people are not friendly here, but helped me!in respect to him I will never too !!!!

27th May, 2012, 09:48 PM
P.S. A clue ( It will start the car directly, even on new FIAT CODE 2 system, which is also used in PSA Group vehicles. You only have to write the new file back into the immobilizer system.)Good luck:)

27th May, 2012, 10:17 PM
thanks to Sems from Italy

Sorry, unable to locate of member of that name here on the worlds best website.

I've ask in many italian forum

Well ~~~~ off and go to that INFERIOR website and join and go LEECH
You have a user name to search for.

There ONLY TWO reasons why i can't do it.

1) I come out in a NASTY rash just by looking at inferior websites
2) google translate failed me.

well done Meat Head !you are very close and yes you do need to log in to access this information .

:):).Just to tell you before me this guy posted this tread long time ago here on forum and he did not got the answer. I will never too !!!!

Well if you can inform his DK user name, we can see if he can assit with a direct link to that INFERIOR forum.

DK has :rulez: but as it's going to be one hell of a usefull peice of software, i'm sure admin won't tell you off for a direct link to said inferior forum. Not up to me, but cool.

P.S. A clue ( It will start the car directly, even on new FIAT CODE 2 system,


Thought, you precoded, then finished the job off with key coder - rolling code - bit like you pay your money then you get your goods from a shop.

27th May, 2012, 11:05 PM

8- Respond to threads only if the answer is useful to solve the problem, if you are not sure
refrain from the keyboard.

[9- It is forbidden to write unnecessary things, or off topic (Off Topic)

13- It is forbidden to send SPAM (E-mail indisiderata) in discussions or in private messages.

This is a good ok rule, mod can we leech this rule please?

6- It is forbidden to send messages of this type:
A- "You have a PM"
B- "Contact me in private"
C- "Can I get you this change but you must contact me in private"
D- Etc ...
You are free to make requests in private without blurring the forum with one of the messages listed above.

16- It is forbidden to publicly invite users to participate in a discussion, only via private messages.


Right, NO LAUGHING because i've joined some INFERIOR website.

Really 'nice' website, looks brilliant, but it's a bit "insert coin, insert coin"
to get to the good stuff. Well bing translate implys that.

Can you give any more clues

Buggered if can find and 'Sems From Italy" or varaion.

The only thing that can relate to DK is an avatair - DAMM can't remember the DK user name - low poster, a Suski Super Carry front half that's aminated - yet this one is still.

Is it anywhere new the "immboliser paralised" bit?

Past the "autocom" and "byteshooter sections", past the "ELM 327, "KWP 2000" etc interfaces?

More to the point is this software in Inglish or Eytalian?
Did you have to pay for it?

Have no objections paying for it, that will be so COOL down the takeaway and the pub.

Did you say it works with clone Zedbull?

Right going for a decomtannation session - i'm covered in a nasty rash from an INFERIOR website. :rulez:

28th May, 2012, 10:55 PM
Same here .

Waisted my whole weekend learning italian and googling in italian .

So i am giving up .:stupido2:

28th May, 2012, 11:06 PM
well did you try the INFERIOR website above?

28th May, 2012, 11:09 PM
WTF is going on here!
What are you guys trying to do again?

28th May, 2012, 11:19 PM
WTF is going on here!
What are you guys trying to do again?


To virginise one time programmable keys which is normally impossable there is some software on an INFERIOR forum.

The orginal poster HAS this software but refuses to upload, because we all called him a leeching *****.

It is beleived the software is on this said INFERIOR forum - which is quite good if it was in Inglish! You have to join to leech siad software - where ever it is.


Thanks to the Moderator team for letting me post a link to an INFERIOR site. (WILL be removed when said software LEECHED)

But then again it's a moderator in this thread that wants the software as well!


29th May, 2012, 08:13 AM

UNCONFIRMED rumor a DECENT DK member is on that site.

Got some links to look at - need to check out

Got to go - late for work at www.meat-head-motors.co.uk (http://www.meat-head-motors.co.uk)

29th May, 2012, 07:21 PM
Bump, trip, stumble. Has anyone manged to find this soft yet? Many thanks button presses for the first person that posts this software.

29th May, 2012, 07:34 PM
Is it a real thing or just another soft myth???

29th May, 2012, 08:03 PM
Even if its real it will always be a myth, somethings although good will have a negative effect on everyone's business i.e. if this was made public how many people would be able to profit from selling keys? when customers turn up with there own 5.99 ebay ones that can actually be used? That's why more and more things are becoming myths never mind the super myth's (that's the ones you never here about;) )

29th May, 2012, 08:21 PM
. Has anyone manged to find this soft yet?.

Is it a real thing or just another soft myth???

OK, in the invisable poll the man from Meat-City he say YES.

The reason for this - sadly can't mention names for three reasons

1) No idea the guys name (went in one ear out the other)
2) for 'security reasons' - can't mention his name or company
3) Pointless because typical locksmith - WON'T tell you ~~~~ all
just makes out that HE has FOUND the way to re-use the keys
for reuse 3 or 8 (?) times for training purposes.

The guy is called ???? and works at <WITHHELD> company
trains locksmiths, 'he has found the way' to reuse them, so do beleive this is real.

I do need to go and pin this source up a wall, about another matter - if i can find him!

although good will have a negative effect on everyone's business i.e. if this was made public how many people would be able to profit from selling keys?(that's the ones you never here about;) )

Well can assure you 99.99% this software "won't" be used by Meat-Head-Motors for pure profit.

Just the odd, pissing around verginsing second hand ignition barrels.
so make life eaiser and programming Frogench Bsi's with our 'own' (if it works) VIN to PIN code.

As due to some tw@ats spoiling it for the rest of us no longer have here on DK.

30th May, 2012, 11:21 AM
Seems to me your putting a lot of effort into something that may not exist mate!

If there was a way of doing it I would think that Tango would have an option for it.
It unlock other, more expensive keys, not sure why they would not do PSA if they could...

31st May, 2012, 10:16 AM
Seems to me your putting a lot of effort into something that may not exist mate!

If there was a way of doing it I would think that Tango would have an option for it.
It unlock other, more expensive keys, not sure why they would not do PSA if they could...
WEll done fallen !i YES !!!it does and in the simple matter if you know how to use it on the PSA keys:top:

31st May, 2012, 10:20 AM
Dont forget to say THANK YOU :)

31st May, 2012, 10:39 AM
Thats easy :) OPEN change chip and charge 60 pounds :)
New chip cost 3$ and preprogram with zad bul 1 minute....

This is really truth :)

For 60 pounds he can give him key with remote...not every day customer have key with remote...probably most of keys are spare keys and only need pcf7936 and no need to preprogram...so calculation is simple...60pounds ;)

Come one people....not worth talking about...


31st May, 2012, 01:48 PM
Seems to me your putting a lot of effort into something that may not exist mate!

If there was a way of doing it I would think that Tango would have an option for it.
It unlock other, more expensive keys, not sure why they would not do PSA if they could...

WEll done fallen !i YES !!!it does and in the simple matter if you know how to use it on the PSA keys:top:


Is this software real - or a hoax?
If real then can we give more details?

31st May, 2012, 08:46 PM
Do you think this bloke on ebay is reading the remote code out of old chip then precoding new chip and writing the remote code into new chip?

31st May, 2012, 09:08 PM
I think the software is a fiction!

31st May, 2012, 10:00 PM
Do you think this bloke on ebay

Ebay - where was that mentioned?

Can we have a link - if cheap enough pay for it, get his address go round kick his door in, leech the software and his dawg food/?

3rd June, 2012, 11:50 PM
Right, thats another hour of DK time lost.

Perhaps you could give a direct link to said INFERIOR forum?



4th June, 2012, 12:16 AM
Ebay - where was that mentioned?

Can we have a link - if cheap enough pay for it, get his address go round kick his door in, leech the software and his dawg food/?

My mistake, another forum and paypal was mentioned not ebay.

5th June, 2012, 10:54 PM
Surely we must have a few people who can speak/read Italian on here?

5th June, 2012, 11:14 PM
ce ne sono tante

5th June, 2012, 11:20 PM
ce ne sono tante

Pu? uno dei molti guardano per il software sul forum altro per noi, per favore? Sto lottando per trovare utilizzando Google translate. grazie

5th June, 2012, 11:23 PM
ce ne sono tante

Seems we been barking up the wrong tree or is it the correct tree. Hopefully there is a hidden cat to be let out of the bag??????

6th June, 2012, 02:01 PM

chuff caps lock, where that from.

6th June, 2012, 11:43 PM
Hi everybody
a few months ago I ordered pcf7941 For used new renault cards .I tried to change chip:
result my hitag reader and zebull read only 555555 on the first line.
When I saw that this chip in on several differents cars like opel peugeot citroen ,I try to change the chip 7941
Results : all my readers can read 55555555 as id and recognised a CRYPTO 46 and I was not be able to program any key to any card
Regards ,

7th June, 2012, 06:49 AM
Hi everybody
a few months ago I ordered pcf7941 For used new renault cards .I tried to change chip:
result my hitag reader and zebull read only 555555 on the first line.
When I saw that this chip in on several differents cars like opel peugeot citroen ,I try to change the chip 7941
Results : all my readers can read
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 86
Thanks: 37
Thanked 31 Times in 12 Posts
Downloads: 86
Uploads: 055555555 as id and recognised a CRYPTO 46 and I was not be able to program any key to any card
Regards ,

sodding phone.
take your 86 downloads and go leech
this software we cant find from above INFERIOR website

8th June, 2012, 08:41 PM
If you know the password you can unlock these ..
to re use????????

And i bet the password on all old keys will be the same???????

9th June, 2012, 01:04 AM
slightly confused over the
zedbull second chance thread

20th July, 2013, 07:09 AM
No, if you even has password psa keys cant be unlocked

20th July, 2013, 07:35 AM
Ah this is the argument if breeville uploads software no password we can verify that

20th July, 2013, 09:52 PM
No, if you even has password psa keys cant be unlocked
Really!!!!Think again ???Why dont you ask other members on the forum The ones i all ready helped!!!But they are loyal to me and to the maker of tool!They may tell you :)If You read my posts you will see what I mean! By the way IT can do Fiat and Vauxhall /Opel keys too!!!!The softer is bogus as stated in some posts!I can just lough

20th July, 2013, 09:59 PM
Yeah, but if you regestair using a fictious user name and upload to this thread, i wont tell anybody

i'm on my iShit right now, but thread with LOTS of scania lorry stuff, but poster has passworded it, he uploads somebody elses work, passwords it and states two members to pester for the password!

why you cant pm a link direct, dk has helped you, why cant you help dk

20th July, 2013, 10:19 PM
Yeah, but if you regestair using a fictious user name and upload to this thread, i wont tell anybody

i'm on my iShit right now, but thread with LOTS of scania lorry stuff, but poster has passworded it, he uploads somebody elses work, passwords it and states two members to pester for the password!

why you cant pm a link direct, dk has helped you, why cant you help dk
yes then i will be breaking my promise to THe Person how help me !!!!Meathead ever wonder what happens and causes when the keys are wiped by disconnecting the battery on Psa cars ???CLue for you!!!

20th July, 2013, 11:58 PM
yes then i will be breaking my promise to THe Person how help me !!!!Meathead ever wonder what happens and causes when the keys are wiped by disconnecting the battery on Psa cars ???CLue for you!!!

That is good a clue, but means having to leech from an italian site, reading this you found software on INFERIOR site, but you had help.

although agsinst dk rules, would be more than happy for a bollocking for directly linking to an inferior site, the excat post with software

21st July, 2013, 12:10 AM
I never leeched for solution or software on inferior site i was approched by member on that site !Go back and read my posts Meat Head !I will never upload the sofware because it is not mine and when comes to Inferios site dont just look under Peugeot as i said in old posts it is PSA OK you may find it !!!!

21st July, 2013, 12:17 AM
P.S i think there was guy on Ebay offering virginising Citroen used remotes in Ireland last time I had look!!!!:)

21st July, 2013, 12:31 AM
Ebay is good start, but you know the tosser wont give answer away, hes in it fir the money!

21st July, 2013, 12:37 AM
I belive it is the ebay gay that Sems helped him to do .i will check with him

21st July, 2013, 01:12 AM
Well ask Sems if he can share it ? Thanks

21st July, 2013, 10:48 AM
Well ask Sems if he can share it ? Thanks
Hi ! I asked Sems he said it was not one of his customers It was Locksmith offering that service.He still not willing to put it on!His words ware if i do it will hit Chinise to make copy and sale it .People will advertise on ebay and he will be in problems with company he works for!! Sorry Meathead I tryed!!!

21st July, 2013, 11:54 AM
Ok, so if i find a DK member from Italy and brain wash them, into joining that INFERIOR site, they can find the software, 'easily' by looking for 'Sems' under id48 with a Peugot Boxer II ?

Well if we loose a member that has been brainwashed by that INFERIor site, on your head be it.

21st July, 2013, 09:00 PM
right ok just lost valuable DK time, been to ebay nothing laughing ref virginsing key service, just a load of pcf chips to buy.

Now what i can't understand is, as theres NOTHING in the DK rules about it, is if somebody breaks into your garage, house, whatever and steals your computer with that software on it, uploads on here?

As for the software it's self what do you use to work it? zedbull, gambit, carprog what?

21st July, 2013, 09:03 PM
Ok, so if i find a DK member from Italy and brain wash them, into joining that INFERIOR site, they can find the software, 'easily' by looking for 'Sems' under id48 with a Peugot Boxer II ?

Well if we loose a member that has been brainwashed by that INFERIor site, on your head be it.
Meathead it is impossiable to load this software !I tryed to uploaded to my house laptop from garage pc as was remotely loaded by Sems to my garage pc !It asked for administration passwords etc !My friend is IT develeper and he said it is impossiable!Smart guy this Sems !I asked him and he said ones you have keep it !If you mess about it you will loose it!

21st July, 2013, 09:06 PM
Whoa hang on, you never said that before.

Still like to know what hardware you use with it?

21st July, 2013, 09:11 PM
I have Zed bull High tag 2 , and Bmw high tag it works on all of them

22nd July, 2013, 07:00 AM
There are several DEAD threads on this subject - if your mate is IT engineer - why dont he sell this software? Does he work for nothing?

I am willing to pay and I guess many others are too.

Meaty - As far as I got with this subject, the password to 'get in' to the pcf is something to do with the cars pincode, dont know anymore :(


22nd July, 2013, 08:22 AM
Meathead it is impossiable to load this software !I tryed to uploaded to my house laptop from garage pc as was remotely loaded by Sems to my garage pc !It asked for administration passwords etc !My friend is IT develeper and he said it is impossiable!Smart guy this Sems !I asked him and he said ones you have keep it !If you mess about it you will loose it!

You can always make a VM from a PC and so upload it somewhere to share.

22nd July, 2013, 02:27 PM
or just upload it as it is 'useless' as it is locked up by Sems.

22nd July, 2013, 05:27 PM

could you write software name and attach a few screenshots showing how does it look like

23rd July, 2013, 11:49 AM
You can always make a VM from a PC and so upload it somewhere to share.
allready tryed any possiable way !Does not work !as i said my friend is IT developer and he said is not possiable.I had warning from Sems and he said if you mess about it it will just time out (how is that).Only way is for him to download it remotely as he is not willing to share his software yet with anybody!The sofware looks like Nissan pats pin calculator .all it does is virginise the key to manchester mode and gives you 4 letters or numbers with key code that has been code it before!Recording to Locksmith that sofware is production of Tango software .Tango has it just needs modification and knowing how to use it recording to him.As i said before it can do also Fiat and Opel keys too

23rd July, 2013, 04:40 PM
allready tryed any possiable way !Does not work !as i said my friend is IT developer and he said is not possiable.

I don't know what IT develops your friend but on daily basis I work with workstation/server virtualization and I still haven't seed any windows machine could not be virtualized into vmware/vbox/hyperv so don't try to fool us about it.
Windows workstation is not a solaris mainframe or something.
And what a problem with pressing alt+prtsc button to make a screenshot of a program, open paint, save it to the file and attach it to the forum or even more send it to your email so you could attach it from another pc.
Even you could take your smartphone and make a photo ....

23rd July, 2013, 08:24 PM
I don't know what IT develops your friend but on daily basis I work with workstation/server virtualization and I still haven't seed any windows machine could not be virtualized into vmware/vbox/hyperv so don't try to fool us about...


Rumor states you cant use vm with Autodata, of course why would you, we. All pay for the licenses

23rd July, 2013, 08:43 PM

Rumor states you cant use vm with Autodata, of course why would you, we. All pay for the licenses

Sorry if I'm against rules.
Using software under virtualized machine and copying physical machine to virtual is 2 different things

23rd July, 2013, 08:49 PM
Sorry if I'm against rules.
Using software under virtualized machine and copying physical machine to virtual is 2 different things


its me in the wrong for saying a word begining with a and ending in a, carry on, screenshot, vm whats next?

23rd July, 2013, 09:13 PM
Well looks like guy put alot of effort for making those keys virgin so he is not dumb to tell you or us how he does that. My friend .... and im 100% shure he is for now only one in the world can fix mileage on all new renaults via OBD .... Also he fix on dash, abs and ecu. Also he change service intervals and all other stuff in cople minutes. He yust fix Renault Scenic 2012 for me .... he is realy great .... He made program in delphi by from scratch. And i don't even bother to ask him if he will give me that program so i will make money from. He worked hard cople years developed this program .... so im aprishiated if he help me so i don't need to search for mechanic and please them to put ABS down ..... that is a bitch sometimes :D
So .... be happy for that guy who charge those 60 pounds for virgin those keys. If you are some repair guy ... you will charge 100pounds ... eather way costumer pay ..... that is my opinion.

24th July, 2013, 09:14 AM
Why is he not selling his work?? is that not what we all work for?? MONEY?????

The lack of proof of this just seems to me like a load of bull.

PROOF PLEASE...............................


24th July, 2013, 09:26 AM
Thanks Fruti for that !I am here to help but some members like pagaautos are just a***h**es!!No wonder Sems will never share his software on dk because people like this they not appriciate it >If you read my previous post it is happening again !Pagaautos and Ninja If you have doubts about software appologise first send me A key and i will send you it back unlocked !hows that ?Mate it does not work on vm or cloning the hard disc.what ever is Sems done is protected it well !Last night he told me the truth sorce of this software is from the guy that works for JCAE!!!

24th July, 2013, 09:52 AM
Can Zed bull prepare pcf 7935s id 40 used chips on vauxhall ??? never tryed:joyous:

24th July, 2013, 10:12 AM
I think that unlock id46 psa is a bullshit, unlock an id46 is only possible if you know Crypto Low and Crypto High, the only way to discover that, is by original dump from car that transpondes was programed before. So that guy that charge 60?, he only change the transponder by a new one.

24th July, 2013, 05:58 PM
Ok so anybody who sends breveille a used key to verginse, to prove a point,
Make sure transponder is sealed in an epoxy ring with something if yours, initals, or a few pubes to be sure not new chip
poundland epoxy will do

24th July, 2013, 06:33 PM
Why is he not selling his work?? is that not what we all work for?? MONEY?????

The lack of proof of this just seems to me like a load of bull.

PROOF PLEASE...............................


Dear ninja123 .... if you refer on my post about Renault ...ill tell you why :D Guy who i know he is GENIUS in his work. I told you why he is afraid selling. .... First question is how? ... Second .... if he sell it must be LEGIT ! All taxes and everything .... Third question is how you will transfer money .... If you think fast you will say no problem .... But tell me who will give 50k euros ... that is a price witch he wanna sell knowledge and transfer to bank account. And how this business will be solved ?? He is afraid that he will come on some meeting and there will wait 4 big guys ... witch he will stole his comp and beat him down ..... End of story !!!
I already spoke with guy from Abrites and they say that they have a solution but they didn't implant it in software. So i'm waiting now for couple months now for RENAULT solution but there is none .... so ... If someone is interested here is offer :D

24th July, 2013, 11:30 PM
Dear ninja123 .... if you refer on my post about Renault ...ill tell you why :D Guy who i know he is GENIUS in his work. I told you why he is afraid selling. .... First question is how? ... Second .... if he sell it must be LEGIT ! All taxes and everything .... Third question is how you will transfer money .... If you think fast you will say no problem .... But tell me who will give 50k euros ... that is a price witch he wanna sell knowledge and transfer to bank account. And how this business will be solved ?? He is afraid that he will come on some meeting and there will wait 4 big guys ... witch he will stole his comp and beat him down ..... End of story !!!
I already spoke with guy from Abrites and they say that they have a solution but they didn't implant it in software. So i'm waiting now for couple months now for RENAULT solution but there is none .... so ... If someone is interested here is offer :D

fruti, dont take offence but what country do you live in? maybe in Byelorussia or smth?
There is a legal ways to sell software/hardware and there is no reason for meeting with 4 big guys.
Very good example of good soft protection is immo-code.com. They charge 1.25k EUR and they successfuly sell their product.
Second, if developer prices his software as you say 50k euro then there is a few ways. Find one guy who will pay 50k or find 50 guys who will pay 1k or maybe even 200 guys who will pay 250 EUR and it would be cheap enough not to steal software.

24th July, 2013, 11:40 PM
Sod selling it, just upload what you have onhere like NOW



25th July, 2013, 08:40 AM
what country are you in? sounds like mafia want you already :)

Find someone you can trust in a civilised country to market this for you, then they can sell for you, and to be honest, if this 2 softwares is real, I think you will be able to afford to leave your troubled backgrounds and head for a better life, with no big guys :)

I think as an initial order (if price is right) you would have 50-100 orders, you can do the maths to see how much money you want and what you would want to do with your new found riches

ninja (not in mafia)

ps. if it dont work after purchase, its back to the big guy's :)

25th July, 2013, 01:37 PM
Ninja mate, i'm willing to epoxy some used chips and post to breville

the problem i have is returning them back, the post office resfuse to deliver to m-h-m

are you willing to provide to breeville your address, if breeville is willing to give me address to ship used chips to?

breeville which ones can and can't you do?

25th July, 2013, 10:22 PM
yeh, thought so, no response.

mh, you have rumbled him, there is defo no way of cracking the pass on a pcf7936, so he is defo getting data from remote board and using new pcf.


25th July, 2013, 10:32 PM
Well let him respond first, besides dont have his address!

i'll pay all postage, you supply breeville eith your address when i get his

the id serial number of the chips will remain withheld, just to prove a point theres no fiddling going on

26th July, 2013, 07:25 AM
Ive got remote ready to post, just need address..........................


26th July, 2013, 07:35 AM
I have a bag full off ebay of used keys for educaional or entertainment purposes

no prob posting them off, just cant hafe them posted back post office dont deliver
this is why our gas/electric bill is done by dk pm

26th July, 2013, 09:46 AM
QUOTE=Meat-Head;2039581]Well let him respond first, besides dont have his address!

i'll pay all postage, you supply breeville eith your address when i get his

the id serial number of the chips will remain withheld, just to prove a point theres no fiddling going on[/QUOTE]
No need for that MH !Why would i feddle with your key when I can do it with software in secound !!!beside I dont know if anybody was succcesfull swaping pcf chip !When you swap it just read 555555555 !!I tryed every possiable way before and did not work till I got this sofware decoder from Sems!I can see everybody is saying what i said long time ago READ MY OLD POST!For adress I will only give to some Dk members the :top:!a i said some members with this beheaving can just get a foot up their arse .I can see as Sems said dk members in Uk will kill to have this !I am away for holiday to Spain paid for doing few keys!See you in couple a weeks!!Have nice Day!!

26th July, 2013, 04:54 PM
post address in spain, ill send keys there!! Seriously, I want to buy this software, what is the cost?

Its life will be short lived due to most modern keys having pcf 7941/46/47, or does it do these too?


26th July, 2013, 06:01 PM
Just a cotton picking cheese grating minuete, ninja mate, no priblem just ask for sems to install the software on your pc remotly. Then as your dk vetren you should get first 20 uses free then .50?. Per SUSSFULL use after that<br><br>if you dont pay mr sems he bad reps you and disables the software<br><br>brevillle what chips can and cant you do?<br>what is your adddress?

27th July, 2013, 07:22 AM
meaty - not paying ?50 to use a second hand key, ?20 seems about right to me...................


27th July, 2013, 07:58 AM
No on iShit. Meaning 20 free uses to get used to it, then fivety PENCE per use, working on theroy if its that good it dont care if remote or a chip

hopefully sems is a dk member??? Pay for a license for his software

28th July, 2013, 08:14 AM
come on sems, reply with price.........................


30th July, 2013, 09:24 PM
I guess sems dont exist then, thought so!!!!


30th July, 2013, 09:55 PM
sems is from that INFERIOR site, but i gave up looking for him

30th July, 2013, 10:03 PM
Hi guys.....
Is this a ****in joke or what?????
you are kidding .,.,.no?

so this guy went on holidays with money earned from making some PCF7936's virgin (lets play the game and act like the story is true lalalalala). While complete keys cost between 15 and 20 Euro NEW?????

So far i can remember i just transfered 3000 euro just for 10 days holiday in spain!!!

maybe is going there by a camel and staying in a tent or what? And i dont want to speculate what he is going to eat there

30th July, 2013, 10:14 PM
Cammy mate, ASSUMING Breville returns from his Vaction and gives
1) His address (Hope he in Ingland)
2) What he can and can't do.

I'm more than happy to send him some chips which WILL be identifiable, BUT they MUST be forwarded to another member
CANNOT receive stuff to M-H-M - the post office refuse, like 3 in a week new postman they all end up gibbering wrecks

If Ninja123 is happy to PM Breeville his address for my chips to be verginised and sent to, then fine i'll pay for postage to Ninja123 from Breville - assuming Brevilee in Ingland!

30th July, 2013, 10:31 PM
Ok MH...Count me in.

I will pay for shipment , even if he is in MARS.

PS: just thinking about an ironic scene in a movie a saw yesterday (bullet to the head starring silvester stallone). The big villian said: "never trust someone who doesnt like money",,And i think this guy doesnt. He owns the big Hitag algorithm secrets, but aint selling it. He rather virginise some keys for locals just to pay his tent holiday on a camel to spain to catch his own fish there.

31st July, 2013, 07:01 AM
we await reply................

Om going to spain soon, Ill keep my eye out for a tent with a camel parked outside, with a zedbull poking out of a sadle bag :)


31st July, 2013, 07:57 AM
Ninja mate, if your going to spain

DO NOT JACK A CAR UP IN THE STREET, DO NOT TOW ANY CAR, the police will arrest you
Illegal in espaina

the police are more corrupt than uk govment

if doubt it, but if you asked to donate money to fuzz charity, do so, you dont want to find out what happens if you dont dobate

i got banned out of shout box here on dk last night for posting naked in my bathroom, so dread to think what rules they gave

31st July, 2013, 09:26 PM
Ha HA!!, ill give em a load of ME, I know the spanish cops love their batons, but ill have an xprog in his gob before he even draws his bat! Then a usb cable round the neck of the passenger cop, plugged into the nearest 110volt lamp post! Then ride off into the sunset on said camel...........

anyway, going majorca, so cops will need a boat to get me!!


31st July, 2013, 10:35 PM
220 volts but watch think they fit two ways round, so you think your brass table lamp is dead, then you stick your willy in it, to your horrer its eartged and still live

1st August, 2013, 11:25 AM
220 volts but watch think they fit two ways round, so you think your brass table lamp is dead, then you stick your willy in it, to your horrer its eartged and still live
Ha Ha HA!Wow !!!Here u are guys http://www.scorpio-lk.com (http://www.scorpio-lk.com/) first tool to unlock pcf7941

1st August, 2013, 11:54 AM
Yep... more info here http://www.scorpio-lk.com/downloads/Orange5/PCF7941%20Reset.pdf

1st August, 2013, 06:09 PM
So is the software breville? Thought was trandponders?

2nd August, 2013, 08:40 AM
Listen you moron,

dont even think you are the king with one eye in the land of the blinds here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is for chrysler !!! I can do that thru RF....no need to connect any wire!.
because you have FFFF posibilities and no timeout you can easy bruteforce. That is also possibble Kia/Hyundai. We talk about peugeot here.

Dont even dare to mention the bug in PCF7943/44!!!

you already made me laugh when you said it worked with ALL Hitag hardware. Meaning this smes ( anagram MESS?) hacked all Hitag devices wich can only communicate whith own software. Even Old abritus hitag2 tool has encrypted communication between HW and SW. try to snif USB and you will see.

2nd August, 2013, 08:50 AM
:roflmao: ... He gets you like that sometimes mate .. (in fact all the time ) .... lol

2nd August, 2013, 07:43 PM
Listen you moron,

dont even think you are the king with one eye in the land of the blinds here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is for chrysler !!! .

:roflmao: ... He gets you like that sometimes mate .. (in fact all the time ) .... lol


Who is called who a moron round here, i'm happy to post some USED TP for Breville to 'VERGINSE' - but they MUST be forwarded to another DK member.

Can they be forwared onto:-

T/As "Cafe IN-Correction"
member 57580
Digital Kaos


2nd August, 2013, 07:50 PM
Meaty you would make a ****in Saint swear with the pish you spout most of the time ... lol

2nd August, 2013, 08:00 PM
Hurump. You try helping people out and thats all you get.

Even gone to the hassle of going to poundland for epoxy to 'identify' the chips i have kicking around
so you dont want 'verginised' transponders that are sealed in poundlans epoxy then!

2nd August, 2013, 10:56 PM
i ll never dare calling you moron mate. that was mented to the one who made up the whole story here.

BTW: why Epoxy? why not pee on it ...when he sends back you will smell your own odor....you know!like bears do in the woods.
All stuff from poundland are shit quality anyway, that epoxy will probably solve in H2O.

3rd August, 2013, 11:32 AM
i BTW: why Epoxy? why not pee on it ...when he sends back you will smell your own odor....you know!like bears do in the woods.
All stuff from poundland are shit quality anyway, that epoxy will probably solve in H2O.

Idea is to send Breville 5 transponder chips, each one epoxied into a leonade bottle cap and given a number.

The ID of each transponder will be a closely guarded secret untill the winning member posts the ID of each one - meaning 4F 15 A8 BB or what ever to be sure there no fiddling going on nor transponder swapping.

Just need Breevilles address, and which ones he can and can't do, then once there on the way, with some spare stamps, Ninja or whoeever can PM Breville their address for return - also as a adjucicator


Poundland epoxy earlier stuff did come away but after abuse, i drilled a 24 MM hole in a brick wall the other month, 2mm over the size, oops, filled hole with entire twin pack poundland epoxy rammed the eyelet in, now solid, all the kings men and all the kings horses can't shift it.

3rd August, 2013, 11:20 PM
Im more than willing to pm address, but just seems pointless, ive done some MAJOR digging around on this subject over the last 2 weeks, and guess what - THIS CAN NOT BE DONE. I dont care what software you have, it is not possible.


AND- we are talking about pcf7936, NOT PCF7941.


4th August, 2013, 01:20 PM
we are talking about pcf7936,


So if it don't say "PCF7936" do not send to Breeville?

or is there others that can be sent?

Breeville, PM your address, DK rules state VIP must NOT disclose it to anybody except the post office, so no worrys about it getting scribbeled on toilet wall for Vic to find at the next pub quiz.

19th August, 2013, 09:49 AM
What is the point of reusing PCF7936 when it's very cheap.

19th August, 2013, 06:12 PM
when you get "I no speak Inglish, i have no money, but i need my car fixing" times

30th August, 2013, 10:13 PM
What is the point of reusing PCF7936 when it's very cheap.

because on peugot the remote data is in the pcf7936, if you use a new transponder the remote will not work.

30th August, 2013, 11:19 PM
because on peugot the remote data is in the pcf7936, if you use a new transponder the remote will not work.

PCF7936AS to be pricse. So if you get a 206 in with lost transponder only, but got good working remote, it is then 'game over' (there is a thread about reading peugot remotes)

5th March, 2016, 04:45 PM
this is the machine



Thanks and Good LUCK!!!

5th March, 2016, 09:56 PM
because on peugot the remote data is in the pcf7936, if you use a new transponder the remote will not work.


Had. A #307 #peugiet in other week, transponder mussing out key, but licking
worked by remote still

10th March, 2016, 12:17 PM
That's because transponder is needed only in process of pairing the remote to car, then data is stored in BSI and car recognizes the remote, if transponder out - no starting car but remote still work

We are talking about older remotes with separate pcf7936 and remote pcb, no transponder coil on remote