View Full Version : Commando 14.5 image Edit problems question

7th May, 2012, 02:06 PM
I am using dreambox edit and have no problems usually with plijade etc.

However using commando 14.5 it has put stuff in different places and the program can not find for example lame.db.

I get this error

either a "services" nor a "lamedb" file was found in directory "%" on the Dreambox. /var/tuxbox/config/
Check the dream path settings on the option panel to point to the correct Dreambox directories and try again.

I need the paths for the following please:

Services & Bouquet Files
User Bouquet Files
Satellites Xml Files

As above, if using pli I have no problem but with this one can not get anywhere


7th May, 2012, 02:37 PM
thinks its because the the commando image is a neutrino image and the bouquets you are using are enigma ones. Sure there is a programm to convert enigma to neutrino.Also the paths where services and bouquets reside in neutrino image may be different to enigma image

7th May, 2012, 02:51 PM
Found this from a post by Lraizer

having trouble with converting problematical enigma2 Bouquets/Services to Neutrino?

try this method!

open DreamBoxEdit and load enigma Sly UK Bouquets

select Tools > Toggle between version 2 and version 4 settings

press save and then exit DreamBoxEdit

open Bouqetter and load the now present services file as Enigma(services v1/v2)

press save services > save to file > save as type (Neutrino)
browse to a different folder and enter the save file name as: services.xml

now when you see "Soll Bouquetter diese Infomationen in das Neutrino-Format einbetten?" press "NO"

exit Bouquetter

open a linux compatible text editor and load the now present bouquets.xml

neutrino does not allow standalone ampersands in bouquets, so you must now do a "find/replace all" from & to &

lastly you must do a "find/replace all" changing any sat_position settings to sat

now you can ftp your newly converted bouquets.xml and services.xml to /var/tuxbox/config/zapit/ on your box and perform a channel reload via the services menu.

7th May, 2012, 04:12 PM

will try that

Found this from a post by Lraizer

having trouble with converting problematical enigma2 Bouquets/Services to Neutrino?

try this method!

open DreamBoxEdit and load enigma Sly UK Bouquets

select Tools > Toggle between version 2 and version 4 settings

press save and then exit DreamBoxEdit

open Bouqetter and load the now present services file as Enigma(services v1/v2)

press save services > save to file > save as type (Neutrino)
browse to a different folder and enter the save file name as: services.xml

now when you see "Soll Bouquetter diese Infomationen in das Neutrino-Format einbetten?" press "NO"

exit Bouquetter

open a linux compatible text editor and load the now present bouquets.xml

neutrino does not allow standalone ampersands in bouquets, so you must now do a "find/replace all" from & to &

lastly you must do a "find/replace all" changing any sat_position settings to sat

now you can ftp your newly converted bouquets.xml and services.xml to /var/tuxbox/config/zapit/ on your box and perform a channel reload via the services menu.