View Full Version : Need immo off Defender TD5

6th June, 2012, 09:48 AM

I need immo off this ecu from
Landrover Defender TD5 with eeprom 93c66

7th June, 2012, 08:42 PM
Do anybody know any solution?

13th June, 2012, 11:02 AM

Any help????

14th June, 2012, 09:40 PM
put it this way.

should you manage to find immo -off working solution - then member V8dave will kiss on the forehead in front of EVERY forum member.

14th June, 2012, 11:38 PM
Hi try this file . give result

v8 dave
6th August, 2012, 03:17 PM
put it this way.

should you manage to find immo -off working solution - then member V8dave will kiss on the forehead in front of EVERY forum member.

You're damn right I would; I have a half finished TD5 classic conversion that needs to be finished. The rain this summer has just about turned the damn thing into a big pile of white and brown flakes.

An 'off' solution has popped up but need to bang it in to an ECU and plumb the fricken engine in to see if it'll start.

6th August, 2012, 05:53 PM
I didn't solve it.

The engine didn't start.

6th August, 2012, 06:32 PM
You're damn right I would; I have a half finished TD5 classic conversion that needs to be finished. .

WOW, your still on line, gave up hoping of ever seeing you post again.

Did do a few months back a landrover defender TD5 non start
had all my tools with me, sadly didn't have the oppertunity to take a dump.

but thought about you.

2001, METAL key only, no remote, also seen a 2006 on as well, no immo at all.

perhaps looking on ebay for a ecu off one of these.

Remember the M-H-M website still needs redesiging! :roflmao:

v8 dave
7th August, 2012, 12:06 PM
I'm still around, just the only gig going doesn't leave me a chance to scratch and sniff these days. Decided management were total bell pieces so dusting off all my old tools with a view to going it alone again.

Also come across a nice shot of the fabled 16-3 pin adapter too, so gonna knock one up this weekend and try skanking an old wedge.

EDIT: Off is an option in Nanocom, but still needs 10AS to function. Don't know if this is just for crank enable or some other sinister function. eBay off ECUs have a ****ing 10AS board wrapped in tape stuffed inside the casing!!

DOUBLE EDIT: I did actually get quite far with that you know, must finish it off for you!

7th August, 2012, 01:55 PM
Also come across a nice shot of the fabled 16-3 pin adapter too, so gonna knock one up this weekend and try skanking an old wedge.

eBay off ECUs have a ****ing 10AS board wrapped in tape stuffed inside the casing!!

DOUBLE EDIT: I did actually get quite far with that you know, must finish it off for you!

1) *CONFUSED* not sure what you mean Ninja123 did a thread how to make rover 3 pin adaptor work with MVP - ??

2) Cool, you got a photo?

3) Thanks.

v8 dave
7th August, 2012, 09:31 PM
WHAT?! I never saw that :(

<looks> Oooh god, it's been a year almost to the day since I've been a regular visitor here :(

Gonna have to spend a few evenings catching up methinks.

No pics of the Bodge, but think the seller may actually be posting on this forum!

7th August, 2012, 09:46 PM
No pics of the Bodge, but think the seller may actually be posting on this forum!

Well ask for staff discount.

sorry, going for a bath now, member ninja123 started threads.

theres also a member called grezacediagnostics or something, thread about making 25 pin adaptor - 16 pin for normal shitty rovers.


v8 dave
7th August, 2012, 10:02 PM
Got it, thanked it; realsied why my first attempt went wrong; used the ferking ECU connector instead of the 5AS connector.

Got the 25 pin adapter, but never actually figured out if I needed to make the Rover adapter to go with T300. Used to use T300 from previous works until I dropped it into an inch deep puddle whilst powered up. Want my own now so gonna download one from Carsung.

7th August, 2012, 10:25 PM

Mate v8 do not worry some member have got all time on his hands . He does not take everything into memory though .

But hehehe he is always on dk to remind you that he is on the end off things ./.

v8 dave
7th August, 2012, 10:54 PM
Yeah, true Pierre :)

Just ordered plugs and pins to make 16->3 pin adapter. Just need to buy a damn T300 now!

8th August, 2012, 07:10 PM
Yeah, true Pierre :)

Just ordered plugs and pins to make 16->3 pin adapter. Just need to buy a damn T300 now!

Bugger where you get 3pin plug from and cost?


When getting T300 - ask if can do Inglish Fords - worth buying.

v8 dave
8th August, 2012, 08:13 PM
RS, they're like, a quid, and the terminals are 16p each (min 50 qty though).

I'm hoping I can Get the one Ninja got from Carsung.

You want me to knock you up an adapter?

8th August, 2012, 08:35 PM
You want me to knock you up an adapter?

bugger it, i downloaded off ebay two damm, in front of me invlves emergy, damm something 300 bluepoint diagnostic for rover, not seen one for yonks