View Full Version : MINI Cooper none starter

12th June, 2012, 03:59 PM
I am trying to help another garage.

The battery went flat ona 2005 mini cooper S. The car will not start now.

I talked him through the key reprogram proceedure and both keys opperate the central locking.

You can get the car to start by manualy activating the starter solenoid. All the lights come on the dash but it will not start with the key, there is a light saying eml if thats of any relevance.

Any thoughts guys?


12th June, 2012, 04:46 PM
If cars can crank but not start, the problem is loss syncrhone ews-dme.

If cars can't crank, the problem is key.

Need to scan this cars to see real problem.

12th June, 2012, 04:49 PM
If u can get the car running when u start it via solenoid so u can have a problem on the start relay inside the ews.

12th June, 2012, 08:44 PM
thanks guys. Its a favour for the workshop forman at renault dealers, he does me loads of favours.

I will post the out come in a few days

13th June, 2012, 08:36 AM
i had this problem before , battery gone dead and all key stop working , make new key and vehicle crank and start .


13th June, 2012, 09:18 AM
i had this problem before , battery gone dead and all key stop working , make new key and vehicle crank and start .


There are 2 keys with car and both do the same. I'll pass on the advice.

They are goimg to need some tool to re-sync the keys. I have sbb and zedbull but don't think they will do it.

24th June, 2012, 10:27 PM
just try leaving ignition on for OVER an hour

put a charger on it.

tryied battery off then back on?

25th June, 2012, 08:24 AM
the local dealer and I had a good arrangement, they paid me and I paid them - somethings and nothingswere freebies, they have just been taken over by ArnaldClarke.

ArnaldClarke have introduced a one way system confusing me with the Samaritans.

So I decided to go on holiday ( 2 weeks in the garden shed )

When it hits the fan nexttime I will ask how they went on. There's a very nice main BMW dealer down the road from them who collects portaits of Her Magesty, I suspect they may have been introduced.
