View Full Version : which is the best openbox to buy ?

19th June, 2012, 11:23 PM
hi everyone just wondering which openbox to go for has i wanted one for the bedroom i have a sky f3 at the moment and i like how pretty it is but hate the fact is has front usb :( i didnt want to pay too much for it but there's so many models.

i was going to choose the s11 but ive noticed theres a s12 and s16, or if you know of anythink cheap i sould go for which is pretty decent box looking to spend ?50 - ?60

so what ever box you think and why thanks in advance fellas.

19th June, 2012, 11:27 PM
HD ??? dreambox800hd no contest can be got reasonable if you want another ball of ...... s11 is same as f3

19th June, 2012, 11:34 PM
yea m8 hd would be best , ive seen a few cheap dm800 clones for arround ?130 :( i was going to get one before i brought the tm 5402 reason why i brought the tm wasnt sure if the dm800 upscaled sd channels . thanks for your reply ..

19th June, 2012, 11:41 PM
yea m8 hd would be best , ive seen a few cheap dm800 clones for arround ?130 :( i was going to get one before i brought the tm 5402 reason why i brought the tm wasnt sure if the dm800 upscaled sd channels . thanks for your reply ..

well mate postpone it till you can go for a dm800 whats the hurry get a 500s for a few quid for practice still a good box ;) if you need any more help ask ;)

19th June, 2012, 11:43 PM
true m8 no real hurry not much more to put to get one tbf thanks again ;)

29th December, 2012, 11:47 AM
I am using f3 and it is quite ok