View Full Version : mileage 1999 passat(autoatic)

10th July, 2012, 07:07 PM
I have some troubles with simple car:1999 passat 1.9tdi automatic..93c86....old mileage 245xxxmiles,needed 137700miles.
Please help someone,i try to do with nyo4,looks everything ok(on table show right mileage),but on car show 48000(with ignition on),and if try to start immo on+mileage jumps to 650000(and car far away:(.....i dont know version of dash,because someone make some conversion(looks like 2002 dash,but car 1999:))....
At a minute i have only upa+old laptop.....because some ass hole break in to my house and steal all my stuff:(:(:(

10th July, 2012, 07:25 PM
this is 3B0 920 900 F B5 V19
login code is 00721
here is your file 137700

10th July, 2012, 07:31 PM
Replace addresses 0x102 - 0x111 with C9E5C9E5C9E5C9E5C9E5C9E4C9E4C9E4 and it should be very close.

10th July, 2012, 08:57 PM
thanks,i try this later,waiting until my man comeback with clocks.