View Full Version : iveco EDC16 + 0281011228 95640 Ann?e 2006

18th July, 2012, 03:05 PM
I have a problem with the EDC16 immo off iveco
I want immo off, a second EDC16 ecu iveco 0281011228 95640 Eeprom read BDM100
for even if the first ECU is HS
thank you for any help

18th July, 2012, 03:27 PM
your file off pass......in pm

18th July, 2012, 08:43 PM
hello everyone
I thank you everybody who help me
I have a questionn: all dump immo off is not mine, FOR WHAT?
I wish I would have an explanatory response. thank you
I read about that by iveco EDC16 immo off this on the FLASH. thank you
if someone just help me, I thank you in advance

19th July, 2012, 07:59 PM
hello everyone
the problem is resolved, ecu relay was HS
thank you, lupu_sandu and cfgebel for the help that I was
at the end thank you to all the DK's