View Full Version : newbie question

7th August, 2012, 12:46 PM

My basic understanding is that flashing the immo chip with a virgin dump file, is required for me to reprogram new keys. I am left with the valet/sub key on a 4c toyota system.
This is a 2004 corolla.

Looking at the label on my ecu, i am assuming that there is no separate immo box? is it possible to identify the immo chip before I open it? I understand that it should be a 8pin EEPROM SOIC, but any particular brand/model? or even a reference picture? do i have the 25080 too?

Secondly, is it possible to reprogram the chip onboard?
following this guide i found which recommend shorting the crystal oscillator
Reading and Writing Immobilizer EEPROMs in Circuit (http://qcwo.com/technicaldomain/reading-writing-immobilizer-eeprom-in-circuit)

is it relatively safe to do this?
i will be using a advantech LabTool-48 programmer (thats the one i can borrow off someone) with a 8pin SOIC clip or with miniclippers. Would this programmer be safe enough and sufficient enough to meet whatever EEPROM chip i encounter? I want to be fully prepared and make sure that this programmer would work before i take out the ecu.

cheers. :bounce:

7th August, 2012, 08:43 PM
Hi mate,

It is not a good practice to read and write eeproms on board. Remove it, save the original first and then reprogram.


7th August, 2012, 10:00 PM
Immo is in your engine-ecu it had to be 93c56.
i think you can read/write on circuit with clip and bridge crystal. i have done it on old yaris and it works great. you need good contact with clip. when it doesn't work with clip you can unsolder it.
you can write virgin dump or post dump and key data. please first read and save your original dump.