View Full Version : What the main purpose of these programs?

17th August, 2012, 11:47 PM
What the main purpose of these programs?

1- Otocheck program
2- Immo Killer
3- Immo Tool


that mean those programs make vehicle without Immo system , or make second ECU like brand new (virgin ECU ) or there are other purpose?

18th August, 2012, 02:28 AM
All the three programs offer options to virginize, (so you can employ a used unit on another car etc) and to switch off the immo system completly. Depending on make and module in some cases you will only have one or the other option available. Furthermor you will have to correct the checksum for immo off to work in some cases, hth.


18th August, 2012, 04:52 AM
Dont worry m8 if u are on the ecu and immo bussines u ll find out soon...

18th August, 2012, 11:03 AM
thanks for help