View Full Version : Peugeot 307 with stolen ECU

22nd October, 2012, 01:51 PM
I have got a peugeot 307 with stolen ecu. This model is 9HZ engine 1.6hdi with FAP, and bosch system. When I try put my spare edc16c34 it does not connect with ecu. I need to know what number of ecu I should put in edc16c3 or edc16c34. First one is for fap, i think. I know to reprog immo etc., but first I need it any different between those two ecus number.

Thanks for you help...

23rd October, 2012, 11:04 AM
Go to peugeot service box (register your self) and found out what ECU you need by VIN of the car.
