View Full Version : Mercedes siemens 5wk9 124

31st October, 2012, 09:34 AM
I have ecu 5WK9 124 018 545 41 32

Is it possible to repair this ECU?

How open this ecu?

31st October, 2012, 06:58 PM
this ECU called PMS , most damage in this PMS is the out stage transistor ,and the Ideal speed actuator .. sometimes you can repair this PMS if the wire of the transistor cut , but if the transistor damage the only way is rechange the transistor with other not Hybird , what you need is to know the number of the transistor to install in .

2nd November, 2012, 11:09 AM
How open this ecu?

2nd November, 2012, 12:19 PM
you need to cut it by saw and then lift the one side:
you can see at the picture how i open it, i did many of them.
and then connect the two layers by wiring.

Don"t forget to Push the thanks button.

6th November, 2012, 01:01 AM
as i see you changed the transistors inside , what is the transistors number?? is it bux127? and ever try to repair the ideal speed controler for pms?

6th November, 2012, 09:54 PM
yes is BUX127, and it's work perfect, about the idle problem, you need to solder inside the ecu, maybe arround 3 to 5 pcs is lose contact.

6th November, 2012, 11:26 PM
well for the ISC control i don't think it happen because of lose contact ... mostly burned wires of the ISC burn the driver inside .. i think we also can change the driver inside the PMS :) ever read the flash inside the PMS to disable the immo for 018 PMS ? i think its posible without imulator :)

6th November, 2012, 11:32 PM
There is flash inside the computer that you can desoldered and read the file.
As for emulator, I don't think you need it, because never I had problem with the immo, you can transfer the computer to other car, and its run perfectly.
I know that all the problem began with the wiring harness!!!
So if you rebuild the Ecu, you still need to fix the wiring.

7th November, 2012, 07:08 PM
you only can transferm data if the ecu is new ... most of PMS started with 017 018 have immo , i don't do lot of PMS most HFM , HFM always have problem with the Ignition stage .

7th November, 2012, 07:14 PM
How do you fix the ignition problem?

7th November, 2012, 11:16 PM
there are many ways one of them is changing the board , the other is putting a resestor inside the ignition card :)

21st November, 2012, 11:38 PM
well for the ISC control i don't think it happen because of lose contact ... mostly burned wires of the ISC burn the driver inside .. i think we also can change the driver inside the PMS :) ever read the flash inside the PMS to disable the immo for 018 PMS ? i think its posible without imulator :)

Immo: Why would you like to play with flash inside? :D
Just put around 50Hz (33-66Hz) frequency 12V amplitude square wave to M12 pin!

Idle: I also think it's not lose connection problem. I've got 3 pieces of siemens PMS ECU, but it looks normal between idle motor outputs and the ground by multimeter in diode test mode.

22nd November, 2012, 09:46 PM
For the ISC problem why we don't try to use TLE 4203 this kind of ECU need a real surgery:nurse:

29th August, 2020, 08:01 PM
yes is BUX127, and it's work perfect, about the idle problem, you need to solder inside the ecu, maybe arround 3 to 5 pcs is lose contact.

Do you have photos of where to solder the transistor?

29th August, 2020, 08:03 PM
Could you give me the specifics of the square wave?

29th August, 2020, 08:04 PM
yes is BUX127, and it's work perfect, about the idle problem, you need to solder inside the ecu, maybe arround 3 to 5 pcs is lose contact.

Immo: Why would you like to play with flash inside? :D
Just put around 50Hz (33-66Hz) frequency 12V amplitude square wave to M12 pin!

Idle: I also think it's not lose connection problem. I've got 3 pieces of siemens PMS ECU, but it looks normal between idle motor outputs and the ground by multimeter in diode test mode.
Could you give me the specifics of the square wave?

31st August, 2020, 10:21 PM
Could you give me the specifics of the square wave?

frequency: 50Hz (33-66Hz)
amplitude: 12V
square wave

20th February, 2024, 12:27 AM
thanks Znoki so if i connect this module in photo in pin B12 car will start without any immo box
pms 018 545 42 32

26th February, 2024, 12:37 AM
YES, the car will start.

29th February, 2024, 12:10 AM
so how can i have this 12v 50hz from which module

12th June, 2024, 06:11 PM
YES, the car will start.
thanks thanks boss car is start already