View Full Version : tonight - saturday

24th November, 2012, 04:38 AM
Right lads perfect chance for u to get in the good books with ur ladies. 9pm sky 1 robbies concert screened live on sky 1 hd. They also recording it and the cd will b out very soon. Get her her fav tipple and a wee box/bag of her fav sweeties. U pizzle off upstairs to let her watch the man in action and come downstairs later with ur robbie mask on ( u bought that earlier) singing angels and she will go mad with excitement!!!


24th November, 2012, 08:44 AM
Robbie who??????

Got it now googeled it robbie fowler.............http://www.debatabledecisions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/225907_649325731711_284003018_5784324_8185645_n.jp g

Or was it Robbie Coltrane http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-F09P_l5f3J0/UB6S5kP8QLI/AAAAAAAABVs/k7sPb5I1ZEU/s1600/Robbie_Coltrane.jpg Now thats a cracker...................:roflmao:

24th November, 2012, 02:07 PM
no chance the hatton fight is on ..lol

24th November, 2012, 04:11 PM
If I even suggested that she might like to watch it.... I'd be called gay & probably bitch slapped.

She's a true rock chick. She want's to do the Download festival for her 40th next year.

24th November, 2012, 04:12 PM
don't have a bird, Tracy Barlow & the *HOT* bird are taken, unable to stalk further Mozerat Lombard