View Full Version : Peugeot 307 BSI problem

7th December, 2012, 12:41 PM
I need help with one BSI that was disconnected and ignition was turned on!
After that we lost code for key and car can't be turned on.

Can PPS solve this problem?


7th December, 2012, 03:17 PM
maybe,....who knows !
what the diagnosis says?

8th December, 2012, 12:36 AM
You need pin for car,(or get pin from dump) and then try to re configure it including key, if not your probably best off getting second hand unit and virgin it then re program with your original pin, think it should be 95160 in bsi. Im no expert on these but have done them in a similar method. As it sounds like bsi corrupt.
There is plenty of info on the forum about this, just search and you will see my friend