View Full Version : KANGOO 1.5 DCI EMU CONNECT

11th December, 2012, 03:25 AM
I have Kangoo year 2003 in workshop.
Ecu is Delphi TRW inside has 25080.

I need inmo off.

Have been reading seems to be neccesaary 100% emu. I have it ....and connected it inside the ecu like shows some manuals.

My emu 902313 type.

In the manual I have seen it says to connect the code wire(inmo line) inside the ecu. In mcu lifting pin 10.Like this picture.

Anyone has tried some emu working for this ecu, what was process?

I have done this way, whit the 25080 that the manual tells.

I upload my 25080, I hagve tried also to make FFF first line of the eeprom and also dont luck I have ecu in bench and could diag without vehicle, no problem to make some tries.


11th December, 2012, 03:27 AM
Sorry forgot but obvius.

System 1.5 dci DDCR 80957C


I am making diag at this moments with clip.

11th December, 2012, 09:13 AM
maybe it s can help you
renault emulateur connection
Download emu immo renault.rar from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way (http://www.sendspace.com/file/ft6u14)

12th December, 2012, 02:03 AM
Thanks for document, I have it...searching in DK.

Solution in this pdf dont worked for me , so seems have a problem.

I have not used corrrect dump. ?? Anyone could clear for me ori??

Possible emu is bad?? It is typical one chinese /ebay/ and other crap...
I have checked it, comparing with our schemes and seems ok ATMEL MODEL PRETTY SIMILAR with those that are working.

If problem were eeprom I hope someone could help me.

Silly question:

if Emu normally connects to inmo line....why in this case must lift pin and connect directly mcu??? Even lifting a pin!!!

By the way I am checking scheme again.....

Anyone have had any success with typical renault emu chinese???

This is my emu: It is A Renault emu?? or it seems???


I think I have found solution to my answer?????

Is this photo really a renault emu???

12th December, 2012, 02:07 AM
If this emu is not renault emu, waht is beeter choice for renault emu:
PIC16F84A OR atmel version???

Any scheme working 100%???.....I will take simply scheme that is running in DK.

12th December, 2012, 02:09 AM
Seems 99% this is vag emu :secruity:

So seems like someone make an error, now I would pay it.

NOw I need really an Emu renault and I am going to build it.

12th December, 2012, 02:33 AM
I am really stupid, inside atinny no atmel!!!

So 100% Vag Emulator ( sure not working also)

SOrry forum I am really ebmarrased for this newbey error...

Need to build a renault emu, seems simple. Why have not done the first!!!

12th December, 2012, 03:29 AM
How can be read Attiny 2313?? I have connected all like shown in Upa.

Reads ok, but all 00000000????

I am very curious about dump of this chinese crap!!

12th December, 2012, 07:44 AM
How can be read Attiny 2313??
I am very curious about dump of this chinese crap!!

I made tenths of Reno emus with ATMEL ATTiny2313, works perfect, schematics found here on DK, diff. form Reno emu to VW emu is the FIRMWARE inside the ATTiny.
That yours photo is ATMEL ATTiny2313, ATMEL is the maker, the type of mcu is ATTiny2313 .
And ATTiny is protected for unauthorised readings, so for you is impossible to read it, the firmaware ( dump ) find inside the schematics here on DK.
Hope i cleared some aspects for you. Later questions wait around here !

12th December, 2012, 08:38 AM
maybe it s can help you
it s renault emu
Download IMG_0746[1].JPG from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way (http://www.sendspace.com/file/av8rgn)

12th December, 2012, 03:43 PM
It is protected from read....ok
So if I buy a simple atmel to make ibmo emulator.....would I be able to program it with bin in forum?? I have upa.


12th December, 2012, 04:13 PM
It is protected from read....ok
So if I buy a simple atmel to make ibmo emulator.....would I be able to program it with bin in forum?? I have upa.

The simplest method is with ponyprog hw+sw on LancOS Home Page (http://www.lancos.com), see there what`s you have to do, find schems and dump around here, it`s work perfect.

12th December, 2012, 04:52 PM
I have not ponyprog!! Upa can do this job??

12th December, 2012, 05:05 PM
Seems impossible to find atmelv90s2313 in my country.
Pic16f84a work??? This is easier to find.

So I only have the attinyvthat comes in my Chinese emu. Could be these one reprogrammed with the correct dump??
How can it be can program, but cannot read??
How could I check then if dump is programmed correctly??

13th December, 2012, 08:21 AM
Seems impossible to find atmelv90s2313 in my country.
Pic16f84a work??? This is easier to find.

So I only have the attinyvthat comes in my Chinese emu. Could be these one reprogrammed with the correct dump??
How can it be can program, but cannot read??
How could I check then if dump is programmed correctly??

There is a schematics for Reno emu with PIC16F84, i use ATTiny2313 ( same as At90s2313 ) cause is cheaper.
The one you bought can be erased and reprogrammed with your own dump, the original will be lost, reprogramm after erase with new one ( the dump for Reno emu )
You use an oscilloscope to verify the signal out of emu after the job done.

22nd December, 2012, 06:53 PM
I have made an emu like in this picture . It is based in 16f84A.


I have programmed it with willem:

Options : Configuration 0001h
Oscilator XT
WDT Disablet
PWRTE Enabled
Protection On

So I write but I cannot read it..

25080 dump is mine original dump with first line FFFFFF.

I upload also dump that I am writing in PIC. Have not Osc at this moment to test it, but as you can see it is so easy to make this emu (16f84a) ...I think have done rigth.

Also some pictures....I have lift pin 10 of processor and connect (on the pin) the data wire.

Inmo Still active, I know instantly, I have it in bench with clip connected, and shows ecu blocked....

Perhaps it is my ecu CAN TYPE??? Even when I am diag with clip only connecting Kline??
I Have note that my pcb seems not 100% same as other on the net.......any way to probe 100% it is cantype??

I have been searrching any can_transducer inside, but you Know is typical ecu must be cutted and it is not easy......http://i46.tinypic.com/2a4o42b.jpg

Perhaps need other 25080 dump for working with this inmo???

Perhaps I am writing not good dump in 16f84a?? Could It be have not been correctly programmed??

23rd December, 2012, 11:28 AM
Is there anyone have done this ecu??
Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in ADVANCE.

24th December, 2012, 11:55 AM
How can I differ CAN TYPE??
Suppose...if I am diag via Kline....that isn't CAN .

Still fighting with this ecu. I NEVER GIVE UP!!

25th December, 2012, 01:29 PM
When it says inmo line is pin 10 of processor, pin must be lifted.....it says connect data wire to the processor pin....or perhaps must connect it to the pad in the PCB....with the pin lifted...???

I am a bit confused...why cannot be this ecu unlocked??? Even with a 16f84a emu??


25th December, 2012, 01:52 PM
1. ffff writing in first line is not a solution.
2. You need preapered content for eeprom which is mached with emu.
3. pin 10 must be lifted and NO CAN transceiver in ECU!

25th December, 2012, 03:35 PM
What eeprom must write for a 16f84a home made emu??
Have made with the schemes and dump found on digital kaos.

I have wrote also a 25080 dci dump that comes with a Renault emu manual, but seems to be only suitable when you use his emu.


26th December, 2012, 11:48 AM
Yes, dump is suitable with related emu.