View Full Version : Ez diag Johnson controls - Brain bee F-box

14th January, 2013, 01:54 PM
I get this set without any manual and also if anyboday can help I need paring code for bluetooth connection to be able to communicate with smartbox.Please if anybody has any info!
I also took apart ECU bridge bluetooth diagnostic unit and all stuff inside is produced by Carbrain also if I connect this unit over USB with carbrain soft (Fast net) it works and shows all info but I don`t have a licence, anyway it is the same device as F-box from Brain bee.

22nd January, 2013, 08:37 AM

23rd January, 2013, 06:02 PM
I have the same diagnosis and successfully connect it with FAST Net. ask me to register and I returned from Brain Bee enable code. Now by selecting from the menu that old car modification is included in the CD version 60 released my message that my license has expired but they work. I just update my software. You also can set up your Mac address of bluetooth

24th January, 2013, 05:24 PM
Please can you tell me how to setup MAC address for bluetooth, because my only problem is bluetooth connection PDA to F-box.Do I need pairing code for bluetooth or is MAC address enough???