View Full Version : key from clk200 k

24th January, 2013, 12:51 PM
I have this car and key don"t turn in ezs.I read ezs and key and put here, ezs is 2105450008 and key is big with motorola inside.I have esl emulator and virginize ecu.Please if you have verified dumps for key and ezs or make a key for this ezs.

24th January, 2013, 01:50 PM
you don't need to virgine ESL, only calc key dumps from ezs dump, program key as 3,4,5 or etc.(first unused witout hash error) and it will work...

25th January, 2013, 01:16 AM
make new key with this dump.

use dump 021 for key with cpu 567.880.041
use dump 051 for key with mcu 567.880.051 or NEC key.