View Full Version : Alfa 159 service reset

15th February, 2013, 10:02 PM
I change km on Alfa 159 dash + ecu. After this i make oli reset and oil DPF reset whit Fiat ecutool, and km are changed everywhere. after i connect my Autocom to it, go to menu option Service inspection -> motor -> edc16 i find here original km. i try reset it whit autocom but not help. try reset last service whit fiat ecutool, but get error not executed. can anyone help me how can i reset it. thx


16th February, 2013, 01:17 AM
Fiat examiner can see 5-6 km locations only in ecu. I think all places can only be done with original nyo. It would be nice if anyone with NYO cofirm this .

16th February, 2013, 02:28 AM
Ecu i make whit soft Ecucalc you think it not rewrite km on all positions?