View Full Version : Chevrolet blazer 2006 immo light blinking after battery replacement

2nd March, 2013, 11:01 AM
hi friends i need your help one of my friends asked me for help
he has Chevrolet trailblazer 2006 after replacing the battery the immo light blinking
does the G-scan can program it ?or bosch KTS

the car is far from my town

any idea will be accepted

Thanks in advanced

3rd March, 2013, 03:34 PM
G scan can scan parameters and codes to see the problem, key system dont erases with batt replacement. Perhaps one fuse blows or ground wire loses.

3rd March, 2013, 06:19 PM
Lost the Key code in the PCM. Have seen this before. You can either re-program it with a Tech2, or do it the old school way. Put the key in the ignition, turn it on, attempt one crank, then leave the key in the on position for twenty minutes. After that, turn the key off for 30 seconds, then attempt to start the vehicle. This will re-learn the key code between the security module and the PCM. Hope this helps!

4th March, 2013, 08:21 AM
thanks for all friends for help the car was taken to the dealer

Best Regards