View Full Version : mr patel the irishman

18th March, 2013, 08:19 PM
Mr Patel has lived in Dublin for many a long year and decides it is time he became an Irish citizen. So he goes along to the Irish Ministry for Justice and Equality.

"Pliz, I vish to become Irish," he tells the official.

"Well, you see, it's not that easy," says the official. "We Oirish have a reputation for being not very broight, so the government has desoided that this is part of our culture, and that anyone who wants to become Oirish has to be as t'ick as we are. In short, to become Oirish, you have to have half your brain removed."

"If that is vat it takes, I vil do it," says Patel. He goes away and finds a clinic which will perform the operation. However, when he comes round from the operation, the surgeon has bad news for him.

"I'm afraid that, due to a clerical error, we have removed three quarters of your brain, Mr Patel," the surgeon explains.

"Yer 'avin' a fackin' larff, incha?" says Patel.
