View Full Version : Program key for VW Golf 1998 Immo 2 and ID48 Chips

31st March, 2013, 02:05 AM
Hi. Am attempting to program a key for a VW Golf 1998, Immo 2 using SBB. I was able to extract the pin code from the instrument cluster to program a key. This car according to the year can use either ID33 or ID48. I have tried programming a VAG ID33 chip which failed. The problem I have is that I do not have ID48 chips pre programmed for VAG cars. I do have blank Megamos 48 chips. Is it possible to precode the chips myself as there are no local suppliers of pre programmed VAG ID48 chips. I have Zedbull. Thanks.

31st March, 2013, 03:08 AM
For those year no need to precoded transponder m8, just use a magic virgin 48 and that is done...

31st March, 2013, 07:09 AM
For those year no need to precoded transponder m8, just use a magic virgin 48 and that is done...

as said by leandros, just use a magic ID 48, unlocked and you can program this one into car, loo here if you have any doubts on how to, br.

Immobilizer II Key Matching (Separate) - Ross-Tech Wiki (http://wiki.ross-tech.com/wiki/index.php/Immobilizer_II_Key_Matching_(Separate))

31st March, 2013, 02:43 PM
have you find a solution?

31st March, 2013, 02:54 PM

My thick mate MK IV Gulf diesel - clocks packed up - scrapyard set in-corrected it - paired to ecu - then programmed orginal key.

31st March, 2013, 04:22 PM
Thanks for everyone who answered. I'll do as advised.

30th April, 2013, 12:59 AM
Not all used id48 transponders can be unlocked. Use a virgin chip and make sure your car battery is showing good charge 12+v.

30th April, 2013, 08:08 AM
If it is Golf simple (not cabrio) and have laser key (HU66) that it's id 48.

30th April, 2013, 08:52 AM
At the moment im working on a 2003 golf, adding a new key. The working key reads id48 magic II on zedbull, however I dont have any magic II transponders, will try a magic I today and see what happens

30th April, 2013, 02:13 PM
as as aware rumor states that an "ID 48" is just that - like a can of cocola is that - the differance betweeen magic 1 and magic 2 is just a simplt flavor - like cocke vanilla and coke cherry.

but if i'm wrong report this post and ask for delection.

30th April, 2013, 09:10 PM
Unlocked and made reusable the magic I chip but it wouldnt code into car, so I just used a virgin Magic II chip and it programmed in straight away. However I cant remember if I set id to golf precode

30th April, 2013, 09:59 PM
you cant unlock magic 1, only magic 2.
