View Full Version : Sly card update = No HD channels???????

11th April, 2013, 09:50 AM
1. Can you post your box type ie drx890/895 that has taken the new firmware update and you have lost your hd content in your C/s box.
2. What channels you still get. ie free to air stuff/SD channels you still get.
If people don't start to log what is left then the people who will eventually fix the problem will not have the relevent infomation to cut short the time to get to the root of the problem.

At the moment some people are saying only free to air and stuff that will clear in an unpaird box. Ie all movies sport will go. we really need to know what will be about. if it is the begining of the end then honest people need to know not to waiste money on boxes that will become expensive free to air boxes(good ones but still free to air)

11th April, 2013, 10:39 AM
Honest ppl lol


11th April, 2013, 11:34 AM
There's more to life than 28 east you know

11th April, 2013, 01:16 PM
There's more to life than 28 east you know

That's true rigsby71 but I suspect that the vast majority of people on here have English as there first language so it's logical to have ***Uk as your main sat provider, of course other sat providers do broadcast a lot of there material with English audio as well, not everyone has excess to them.

11th April, 2013, 02:14 PM
I feel for anyone buying these cheap and nasty skyboxs with a years sub on a fixed dish. They in for a big shock when the shit hits the fan. Andy

11th April, 2013, 02:51 PM
Can't understand why it has taken them so long to implement this, I'm sure they have known about(the thing we can't mention)for years and yet they let it go on, just look at cable, they eventually switch to Nagra3 and bang...all non subscribers gone in 1 swoop. There are private cable providers but they are few and far between, leaving only Kryptview and we all know what it's like.

11th April, 2013, 02:59 PM
Can't understand why it has taken them so long to implement this, I'm sure they have known about(the thing we can't mention)for years and yet they let it go on, just look at cable, they eventually switch to Nagra3 and bang...all non subscribers gone in 1 swoop. There are private cable providers but they are few and far between, leaving only Kryptview and we all know what it's like.

I'd imagine its a shrewd business policy .
When cable switched to Nagra 3 most people took out a satellite sub or switched to sat c/s.
Cable numbers diminished while Slys numbers increased .
Sly will now hoover up the remaining people out there .

I think people are also extremely naive if they think Oscam developers will find a fix for the new pairing,Sly don't make many mistakes.

11th April, 2013, 03:15 PM
When European sat was a hobby it was fine but as soon as these cheaper plug and play Skyboxs came out every Tom,Dick and Harry jumped on the band wagon.


11th April, 2013, 03:56 PM
Can't understand why it has taken them so long to implement this, I'm sure they have known about(the thing we can't mention)for years and yet they let it go on, just look at cable, they eventually switch to Nagra3 and bang...all non subscribers gone in 1 swoop. There are private cable providers but they are few and far between, leaving only Kryptview and we all know what it's like.

yes but at least it works now and again lol, will u be able to say that for c/s sat shortly? mmmmmm I don't think so.

11th April, 2013, 05:05 PM
yes but at least it works now and again lol, will u be able to say that for c/s sat shortly? mmmmmm I don't think so.

That's also true, lol.

14th April, 2013, 10:52 AM
There's more to life than 28 east you know

any recommendations ? tempted to put a motorised system up.

14th April, 2013, 11:24 AM
any recommendations ? tempted to put a motorised system up.

c/s has never been just about that one provider and even if that ceases c/s will carry on for quite some time yet
too many people have tunnel vision when it comes to this subject and as mentioned there is more to it than just that one provider
other options abound and especially on 30w + 5e + 13e + 16e + 19e + 23.5e + 39e for example so take the blinkers off some of you

14th April, 2013, 11:40 AM
It depends what you want to watch.

If the only reason you have sat is for the cricket then 28e is the only game in town, as far as I know. I can easily download anything eles that's worth watching.

14th April, 2013, 11:53 AM
I download most of the stuff that's worth watching too. Just, looking into the motorised set-up at min. More interested in sports, so which are the best ones to look at ?