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View Full Version : whats best image for duo+

28th April, 2013, 04:14 PM
what is the best image for the duo+ am running blackhole....can anyone help me with the crossepg as i cant get it to work still...or how can i remove it then reinstall it?


28th April, 2013, 04:58 PM
never had a problem with Blackhole and the EPG storing to either an internal hard drive or an external usb drive on any image revision, you could re-flash the image and start again or just delete all the current EPG.dat and folders where you have it installed now.

28th April, 2013, 05:05 PM
hi ...i have the crossepg deleted now but who has the best crossepg to download am really looking hassle free crossepg...etc


28th April, 2013, 05:19 PM
Crossepg is standard throughout the image sector on most receivers there isn't really a different version so to speak, what you can do is specify where you let Crossepg get its data from either OpenTV, or Rytec in standard form or compressed.

28th April, 2013, 05:27 PM
i think it was opentv mate so where would i get the latest crossepg to download and who is the best to download it from?