View Full Version : EFFI Key Encrypter " Stand Alone Mode " Can Anyone Help ?

14th June, 2013, 12:11 PM
Hello Guys.

Does anyone use EFFI Key Encrypter in image as a stand alone pin decoder ?

Can anyone help with this or recommend if it works in a stand alone mode before I part with some cash :)

I see reference to this software on DK with Zed Bull. I don't really want the hardware just a few of the PIN options to hand.



14th June, 2013, 12:22 PM
I bought this clone Super AD900 a good few years back could this work as a zed bull ?

I just dug it out the back of the shed not seen day light for a long time :)

I believe the same company made the software for the above but maybe the hardware is different, I found this tool only ever cloned T5 chips or decoded the pin but it's very out dated now.

14th June, 2013, 12:34 PM
that effi in your link is fake, not org :) no support for that :) now org effi is more powerfull and growing each month :) it will be much better than AD900 in offline key programing.
You need license and may use any option without hardware, hardwre is only needed for registration and writing to chips :)_

14th June, 2013, 12:40 PM
Do you have a link for original effi ?

I have genuine Tango, TM Pro CarProg etc.

The AD900 above is best part of 5 years old and was used no more than a dozen times as far as I'm concerned this is a door stop :)

I'm not so worried about support but do need the software / hardware to work..

14th June, 2013, 12:45 PM
why do you need efii if have tango and tmpro? full tango and full tmpro is most powerfull. for efii contect sierra :) he will help as developer :)

14th June, 2013, 12:52 PM
I agree TM Pro & Tango are the most powerful key makers.

However Tango is not always good for decoding PIN's, TM Pro is a better tool for PIN's if you add extra software's when they are needed.

14th June, 2013, 01:12 PM
Hi friend

Take a look : EFfI - Second Life for Zed-Bull clone - ????? ???? ???! (http://forum.softtyt.ru/showthread.php?t=1160)

14th June, 2013, 01:27 PM
Thanks Friends sierra has replied to my PM.

Which is the best zed bull clone ?

14th June, 2013, 03:43 PM
i am using Zed-bull mini. Only problem low quality coil, needs recalibration, as sometimes, does not read pcf7935 :)

8th August, 2013, 05:20 AM
How can I recalibration mini Zed-bull? It always reads other ID number of the PCF7935.