View Full Version : Renault SIRIUS 32 - after immo off strange problem

3rd July, 2013, 08:34 AM
Hi, I did two SIRIUS 32 immo off one from Thalia one from Clio both 1.4 8V, two days ago. All work ok I use this solution on 16V SIRIUS 32 and have never problem ... but is the first time that I do immo off on 1.4 8V. So after two days of running the Thalia starts to misfiring and then stops ... injectors are not opening - no GND from ECU. Almost same problem on Clio but there is no spark. I clean well flash after soldering it ... so this is not the problem. I reflash again both with immo off file and all work OK but it will work ok forever ? I attached both files. I will be grateful if someone can look at the files and see in something wrong or provide me some other solution.
