View Full Version : Citro?n Xsara Picasso 93c66 dash problem

20th July, 2013, 06:07 AM
Hi guys.

I have a problem with a Xsara Picasso dashboard.

This dash has a 93c66 eeprom. I have read it with Digi and it reads them succesfully, then I modified and wrote in dash.

Now, when I start the car, the dash doesn't show the total and partial mileage,nor current speed and some warning lights keep on all the time.

The lexia tool connects with all car systems but not with the dash.

Any idea?

20th July, 2013, 06:36 AM
Did you correctly put back eeprom? 5 is gnd check it !

21st July, 2013, 12:40 PM
Did you correctly put back eeprom? 5 is gnd check it !

I haven't desolder the eeprom. I did the reading in the board using the clips.

I read, and then I modified with DigiProg, and now the dash doesn't work well

21st July, 2013, 01:05 PM
Hm mate i never practise reading eeprom like u did .... I always desoldier and then read .... Mutch safetier. I gues you will be needing virginaze dash and reprogrramm it again.

21st July, 2013, 01:20 PM
I haven't desolder the eeprom. I did the reading in the board using the clips.

I read, and then I modified with DigiProg, and now the dash doesn't work well

You have your answer in the other thread mate ... one thread one problem

21st July, 2013, 01:21 PM
Hi, Yes Fruti is right...I too made this mistake reading smd eeproms using xprog clips and didn't read all, or read it incomplete. Safest way is read by desoldering eeprom