View Full Version : How to manually read flash of 912dg128 with carprog Volvo dash DIM

7th August, 2013, 11:05 PM
I connected my cheap carprog with two wires to the 912dg128 on Volvo dash.
Then i go to MCU, Motorla, HC12 04 and select 912dg128 mask 3K91D or 5H55W i only get out the eprom.
Sorry if didn't see something, i didn't use careprog very often...

Connected BKGD and Reset, VDD and GND are from powersupply of the board

8th August, 2013, 01:07 AM
Read something in datasheet of http://www.xinpian.net/MOTOROLA/MC912/MC912DG128AMPV.pdf :)
Had to set start and size in carprog to get more out of the chip :)

I thought such a expensive tool should be preconfigured for this controller.
Offset 4000 to 8000 is flash when i look on page 100

8th August, 2013, 05:57 PM
Or not, if i try to read out the full 128 kb i only get 127 kb :(
Has somebody a tip how to read out with carprog?

8th August, 2013, 07:52 PM
you must use etl9s12 programator for this mcu because this car is very special

8th August, 2013, 10:14 PM
Are you sure?

I thought carprog is hc12 912 9s12 programmer, if i look into the datasheet flash is sperated in pages. i can only access the first and second page because i can only enter 4 digits of offset adress the second page needs 5 digits.

page 32kb
1st page: FEE
2nd page: 1FEE
3rd page: 10FEE
4th page: 11FEE

Datasheet "A program space window of 16K byte pages is located from $8000 to $BFFF."

Maybe there is a way to set the "PPAGE bit" and then read the full flash page by page...

Anybody done something on this? or knows a soloution for carprog?

9th August, 2013, 01:30 AM
If carprog can't be successful, does xprog m5 do the job?

Or what abou this programmer?
Motorola 9S12 Programmer (http://www.ecutool.com/Motorola-9S12-Programmer_144.html#3)

Would prefer a multiprogrammer like xprog...

5th December, 2017, 12:12 PM
hello !!! i have volvo s60 2002 , i have carprog clone v8.21 , i want to read dash 3k91d with OBD (a1 adapter + ford volvo can adapter) and it show "no respond from unit" . what is the problem ?! thanks