View Full Version : 1998 prelude immo dump, please check

23rd August, 2013, 03:31 PM
I have 1998 honda prelude, Customer cranked with a red key.
Now it's here.
Please confirm an immo file is ok or is it changed/corrupted because of red key cranking?

I can see key 1 and key 2 in it:
Key1 20 86 5d 48 43
key2 20 86 9d 56 ea

not sure about key 3 and also line below is filled with 00 instead of FF??? could it be an issue?

24th August, 2013, 04:34 PM
Dump was OK. Crankink car with red key didn't corrupt it. Made key with AVDI Tag key, and car started. Also 00 instead of FF in the dump are OK.