View Full Version : Spare key for Audi A3

8th September, 2013, 04:21 PM
A family member has bought a 2007 Audi A3 and it only had 1 key

He has been to a key cutter but he couldn't cut it as the last digits of the code were blanked out and said locked
is there any way of getting a key cut without having to go to Audi and pay top whack.
The key doesn't need to work remotely but needs to be able to start engine.

Thanks in advance...smoggy

8th September, 2013, 04:32 PM
any key cutter should be able to read and cut a key blade without an issue , programming is a tad trickier , this will be a precoded transponder so you will need someone with the right kit to sniff out the component security bytes to precode the key before programming , ecu type and engine will determine which kit can do this .

8th September, 2013, 04:45 PM
does this mean the car needs to be taken to someone to find out that info

8th September, 2013, 04:51 PM
an auto locksmith with the kit will come to the car and do it on site , or you can take your car to them , but yes they need to plug in to the car . the alternative is to order the pre cut key coded with the precoding from audi , then most auto locksmiths can code it in with most kit they use .

3d group in nottingham can order the precoded pre cut key from audi for you , then it just needs someone with a decent programmer to pull pin and code it in.

8th September, 2013, 05:11 PM
OK mate, thanks for the info I'll pass it on
I'm pretty sure will be able to find someone local in the Teesside area