View Full Version : Renault Symbol 1,5DCI year2007 with DCM 1.2 need virginisation

10th September, 2013, 10:54 AM
i need to replace ECU, i bought second-hand wich need virginisation.
ECU is DELPHI TRW DCM 1.2 R0410B036C,
inside eeprom 95160 and ST10 mcu. please wirginise eep dump attached.

10th September, 2013, 11:42 AM
Try this...

12th September, 2013, 10:15 AM
your virginisation method works, but cannot recode injectors, reason why it smokes black badly.
so i put 95160 dump from original the recode injectors is accepted okay,
but same smoke, at low pedal white smoke and at 75-90% of gas pedal smoke is dense and black.
ecu is from dacia logan, but all data from labels are absolutely the same, cold be diferent software version?
pitty is that ori ecu is not readeble, is defective completly, only 95160 i could rescue from ECU.
what to do? have anyone ST10 flash with this serials but from native renault symbol ?
thanks so far.

16th September, 2013, 06:44 PM
i open original ecu and i identify ST10F280. by galletto2 could be readed 0.5MB of inside flash, but ori ecu cannot be powered on because PCB is carbonized on some 30 0r 15 connection, when powered lots of smoke comes from inside layers of PCB.
so i have to read on BDM pads, have anyone here experience of connect and read this way?
i really need to have a backup of firmware from this ECU.

21st December, 2013, 08:09 PM
I think is not the same ecu logan have dcm 1.2 and clio have ddcr ecu. You can read this ecu in boot mode with galleto.This ecu dont have BDM point pads !!!! see pdf from galleto

22nd December, 2013, 10:00 AM
i really need to have a backup of firmware from this ECU.

You must read a good working DCM12 ( from a Logan dCi ) with ddt2000, save the bin from ST10F280 into the ddt database and re-write your DCM with the previously saved bin. Or find a good DCM12 bin into a ddt database and write into yours. Look to have the same Homologaton number software as yours, Logans there are versions with 75Hp, 85Hp, 90Hp, different HOMs software and different EURO standards, only the software differs, same engine and electronics hardware.
For you is the simplest way to fix that ecu problem, personally i use this way frequently, works every time. DDT2000 reads ALL software from ST10F280 without problem.


22nd October, 2019, 08:15 AM
Hello mates,

Do you have a good readiing st10f280 dump for r0410b036c DC,1.2 Dacia Logan ECU?

Thank you so much.