View Full Version : Audi a3 8p 2.0 tdi edc17cp14 disaster. Help please.

29th September, 2013, 08:15 PM
Hello forum,

Today I have managed to kill my audi ecu, 03L 906 022 BQ :grey:
I read it with mpps12 and saved file. I then attempted to write a newer software version and it crashed when writing with error bad data block error.

I then tried to write the original file i dumped back to the ECU and it also fails to write so now i have a car that won't start. :eek:

I have opened the ecu and connected it in boot mode to galletto 2 v53 and read the flash out of it and although the file it created is the same size as the one read from mpps12 the data inside does not match the one read by the mpps12.

If i try to write the file created by mpps12 into the ecu with galletto2 v53 it gets to 3% then errors.

So, here is my problem,
Is it possible to cut / paste the files together with a hex editor to create a working file that galletto 2 v53 can then write to the ecu?

Attached are the flash files read by galletto and mpps
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

29th September, 2013, 08:25 PM
What the hell are you doing ?
you think you can play so with ecu's ??
if you write data from mpps with the V53 then you can no more restore the ecu

you need to copy paste the mpps read to the data area from V53 and not modify the begin sector

depending of files you need to let 0 to 180000 or 0 1C0000 bdm and put the rest from the mpps read ...

29th September, 2013, 08:45 PM
Hi Kennfeld,
Thanks for the quick reply,
I'll electronic engineer by trade so fairly clued up with programming memory chips, Most of my work is with electronic security systems just not that familiar with these new tricore units with tprot. A nasty development if ever i saw one and sadly it looks like it's the shape of things to come.

I'd noticed the data from 0-180000 as you mentioned just wanted to check before i screwed it up more lol.

If push came to shove i have ir and bga rework stations so replacing the tricore wouldn't be an issue it's just more hassle.
My own fault really i should have grabbed the data sheets for the tricore first but as they say assumption is the mother of all f*ck ups. fingers burned and all that...,

I'll give that block copy / paste a go and report back asap.

29th September, 2013, 09:29 PM
Ecu is stuck in programming mode and there is nothing changed in the flash contents . Tricore boot will not normally fix , ill make a file now for obd write via galletto with a small change , let galletto do the chk

29th September, 2013, 10:05 PM
test file 1

29th September, 2013, 10:11 PM
maybee it's your eeprom that is corrupted
because if you update with a file that it's tuning protected ....

29th September, 2013, 10:33 PM
its TPROT 2 , so no " tuning protection" , its just stuck in programming mode , its not corrupt EEPROM

29th September, 2013, 11:48 PM
Well i tried the 0-180000 copy paste as suggested to no avail, both letting galletto do the checksum and without. All that did was stop it from operating the starter motor (you have to push clutch down to engage starter) it engages the starter solenoid then resets and tries again so click click click from the relays etc. I'll try the other file as suggested by mod4cars tomorrow morning. Many thanks chaps for all your help, This certainly has been a steep learning curve.

29th September, 2013, 11:59 PM
its TPROT 2 , so no " tuning protection" , its just stuck in programming mode , its not corrupt EEPROM

Yes, you are rigth.
Tprot 2.

30th September, 2013, 12:26 AM
Well i tried the 0-180000 copy paste as suggested to no avail, both letting galletto do the checksum and without. All that did was stop it from operating the starter motor (you have to push clutch down to engage starter) it engages the starter solenoid then resets and tries again so click click click from the relays etc. I'll try the other file as suggested by mod4cars tomorrow morning. Many thanks chaps for all your help, This certainly has been a steep learning curve.

What ever you read with galletto TRICORE , write both intF and eeprom . Flashing in the mpps obd file is dangerous as its part read . It can corrupt the "OTP" one time program areas and lock you out of the ecu as it can change the processor passwords !

30th September, 2013, 12:37 AM
ok, i'll do that then, i did notice the mpps flashing attempts counter had increased,. Do i need to reset that back to 0?

30th September, 2013, 04:24 PM
Tried the mod file as provided by mods4cars, it gets to 3% then stops with errors.
any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance

30th September, 2013, 04:26 PM
I have done hex comparison between the file mods4cars sent and my original mpps read and they are identical. have i missed something here?

30th September, 2013, 07:29 PM
If i select car > audi > a3 > edc17 140/170 tdi from galletto it programs to 100% then errors as per the attached image. :(222015

30th September, 2013, 10:38 PM
I have done hex comparison between the file mods4cars sent and my original mpps read and they are identical. have i missed something here?

Full flash was good , it looked like it put the ecu into programming mode and did nothing else . I made a small change so galletto would chk and hopefully finalise the write

30th September, 2013, 10:46 PM
That's odd, it should have taken the file . The version of galletto to you have , does it allow you not to do.the chk?

30th September, 2013, 11:41 PM
Galletto 2 v53 In boot mode it asks if i want to correct checksums or not, in obd mode it doesn't give me the option but says on the screen checksum calculated in writing as per the pic i uploaded.

1st October, 2013, 01:15 AM
May i ask what you changed mod4cars so i can give it a go here as i cannot see any difference in the original mpps read and your file, i've ran it through 2 hex editors with binary compare functions and neither show any difference between them.


1st October, 2013, 12:45 PM
Your right !! , exported out the wrong file !!! late nights lol

Here is an other test . Dont panic , ecu is fixable

1st October, 2013, 04:47 PM
Tried that file in both boot mode with /without checksum correction and also in obd mode and it errors the same as the first file.

In boot mode it gets to 3% then stops as per the attached pic and in obd mode it gets to 100% then says ecu rejected programming.

The boot mode screen does say both flash and ecu are protected though?
Any ideas?

2nd October, 2013, 08:22 AM
Take a new read in bootmode and compare to the original first read.

Seems you are trying to write different data to the otp sector.


2nd October, 2013, 08:53 AM
Ok i'll do that and post my findings shortly. just to clarify, i have 3 files, the original obd read from mpps, the boot mode read taken by galletto2 and the modified mpps file that mods4cars made. i was also going to try patching the file from mods4cars made into the bootmode galletto2 from hex 180000 onwards as suggested by kennfeld.

Must say the forum here has been most helpful, you guys have been great with suggestions and i really appreciate the help and advice given by you all.

2nd October, 2013, 05:14 PM
still no joy, at a loss what to try now. :(

3rd October, 2013, 03:18 AM
Maybe since in programming mode write OEM SGO file....with AVDI or VAS interface or convert SGO to binary and write in boot mode. Just an idea?

4th October, 2013, 02:26 AM
I have the vas interface also, a few people have mentioned this course of action and one very kind member offered to do this for me. i'll give it a try and report back. one question, best way to convert sgo to binary?

4th October, 2013, 02:14 PM
Use Vector CAN, Diagra, DTS7 or 8 from Softing, a known file converter or write a known good ecu as slave virgin with VAS interface/AVDI and then boot mode it out to get the three images. I would also offer to help repair it if you sent it in.

5th October, 2013, 03:01 AM
use VCP to reprogramming ecu. The car should start after this

13th October, 2013, 06:59 PM
i have done this ecu with mpps and worked ok in reading and in writing .in writing the chskm must be cooreected with other tool. if you use the original file from a database the ecu will work

24th October, 2013, 08:26 PM
did you resolve this?