View Full Version : Mercedes ML 270 Start Error

30th September, 2013, 11:00 AM
Hi All

In need of some help please. I have a ML was standing for a engine replacement. New engine in but now start error. Made a new key but still problem exists. All activity Module and 95P08 ECU Dump attached. Can somebody please help clear start error. Thanks in advance.

30th September, 2013, 11:17 AM
use this file,activate with star,if start error back come,aam or key chip broken

30th September, 2013, 11:22 AM
I made new key both gives start error. Thanks mercis. I will try and report back. Much appreciated.

30th September, 2013, 04:35 PM
Hi Mercis no luck. Start error still there. When i go to drive authorisation it tells me that the new made does not have a number assigned. Also what it says when i personalise module it carries that out then it says i need to activate module i click yes. It goes through the programming but in the end says
-the control module cdi2 is initialised
- the transport protection of control module cdi2 is detached
- the control module cdi 2 is personalized

control module cdi 2 is not activated
activate now i click yes then it says unsuccesful.

Now with old chip in key it detects as key no 2

with new key it detects ----

Should i attempt another chip as it does not identify?
When i try to relearn key it says teach in of key 9 not possible.

I read key with my zedbull and it it says 33 rolling and there is data on it

Any help will be greatly appreciated

30th September, 2013, 05:54 PM
other ecu renew.

30th September, 2013, 06:46 PM
try with this file 222009

1st October, 2013, 09:44 AM
Hi Thanks is this a immo off file because that too will help?

1st October, 2013, 10:14 AM
In the data stream of diag, I see that it is th ecu which is locked. Uses the number 2 key and program the file I gave you in the 5p08C3 of ecu, you will see the "start error" will disappear and the car starts, I've tested on a ML270cdi

1st October, 2013, 01:22 PM
yes sir you are correct it works just as you said. Thank you @mercis for the help also. Thank you @jaytool for your assistance

9th October, 2013, 08:46 PM
i have in my work a ML163 with start error i do ecu with autosync but when i do sycronizasion with das not do activation ecu
i see post from mercis end jaytool when do ecu as jaytool car start ok but in value drive authorizasion not is ok.i do with das drive authorizasion not do says change ecu can you help me

10th October, 2013, 08:06 AM
It seems like you need a ecu renew. Is your vehicle petrol or diesel. create a new post in immo and someone will help you. If you have 5P08 it seems like diesel. The file is specific for each ecu i am not sure how to alter dumps or check the difference between my one and jaytool then change yours like that. I do not have autosync or renew programs.